• Rose Buchholz
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  • Image 32 of 41
  • Added 12 Dec 2005
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fishy fishy

Because I like finny fish, and breed bettas, the betta played a big part in the inspiration ;) Well, this pic is supposed to be a fish, but it looks more like a sea dragon. I still really liked how it turned out, I do have to say, I think it's one of my better pieces. Guess it's just a case of an oops being nice. I tried to make the fins look like ribbons. I wanted to use it as a happy holiday sign at work, but it isn't very festive...guess it took a detour while coloring. Done in colored pencil, micron pen, and a touch of acrylic paint.


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Angie Waszkiewicz 31 Jan 2006

I like your composition of this piece. And while it does look a little dragonish... I can see where the betta comes in ;) I always thought they fascinating little fish. Nice scalework :)

Sondra Ertzberger 06 Jan 2006

Celito Medeiro's said "That beautiful MERMAID ENCATADA that CHARMED me" I translated it for you , Celito is Portugese *smiles hope that was helpful Rose *hugs* and I agree with Celito it is very beautiful .

Artist Reply: Thanks for the translation! I only speak english...you should see the look on my face when my own mom turns and talks to me in korean..."huh?" lol. Thanks!

Christine brand 15 Dec 2005

I think maybe Echanting too...LOL! very happy and charming work...actually adorable!