• Isolde Scheurer
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  • Image 18 of 36
  • Added 15 Sep 2005
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Police Girl

Seras Victoria from the series/manga "Hellsing", she's also known as "Police Girl" (by Alucard, her maaahster). A question, why does she have to wear those uncomfortable, non-protecting clothes while the rest of the troop doesn't? Discrimination! But that's just anime I guess, girls have to wear short skirts there. (Except for "manly" ones like Integra) I hope she still looks alright, my first try at anime. the BG...cheap stuff me knows, some google research and filters don't do wonders..*sighs*. But why does that pentagram-logo have English, Japanese(?) and German writing on it? (German??!!!) I'm not sure, but perhaps she looks better on the other side of the pic? her hip would make the same curve as the logo circle. but then her body isn't "facing the logo)...dunno...tips? BG(c)? pose etc...moi


Anonymous Guest

Emp Pme 16 Sep 2005

Awesome! I cosplayed as Seras! ^^; Draw halconnen!

Artist Reply: thanx a lot :D. oh...I found the pics in your journal. :D Very cool! good costume and the "gun"/h., wow. heh, perhaps I will draw halconnen *g*, if I have time...*has lots of ideas swimming 'round in head* ;)

LARRY STANGE 15 Sep 2005

A good subject

Artist Reply: yes? well, I noticed most people drew Alucard or Integra...and I thought Seras was good for a start and she looked most "anime-like" (I wanted to have a go at the style). thank you then. :)

Rina Gholson 15 Sep 2005

i love the expression, good drawing. nothing to comment :)

Artist Reply: thanx!!!! :D :D