• Shannon Reinbold-Gee
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  • Added 01 Sep 2005
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Hugs and Fishes

I have a friend who is an avid (avid--rabid--tomatoh, tomahto ;-) penguin collector. She just celebrated a birthday, so I'll be surprising her with this. As a note--the original is a 5"x7" black and white claybord. The coloring was done in Photoshop ('cuz I'm chicken to paint it with what I currently have :-) .Copyright Shannon Reinbold-Gee August 30, 2005.

5 of 11 Comments Show All 11 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Miguel Moraes 25 Mar 2009

Beautiful work,Shannon! Miguel Ângelo Moraes-Brazil.

John Enright 13 Dec 2005

hey shannon, I just saw a movie featuring these guys... you did a good job.

Artist Reply: Thanks, John. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet--someday, maybe when my son's ready for babysitters... Heck, that may be a decade from now ;-)!

N. Michael Bryant 08 Sep 2005

Took me some time to figure the image out. Nice stlye and direction. Unique piece. I'd really love to see you do color on the boards. Come'on! you can do it! ;)

Artist Reply: Thanks for your comment, Michael. Yeah, eventually I'll actually paint the boards--but my color palette right now only includes blue, green, orange and "antelope brown." Guess I should do some antelopes ;-) ...

Laura Horning 02 Sep 2005

a very cute piece.

Artist Reply: Thanks Laura--I don't often get to do "cute" and when I do I really like it--it's much different and childlike to me.

Femi Johnson 02 Sep 2005

perfect original gift for a collector Shannon

Artist Reply: Thanks, Femi! I immediately gave a matted print of it to my penguin collecting pal and she was thrilled (although another friend was ticked at me because SHE wanted to buy the print for Christmas to give our mutual friend...). Anyhow, I assured the one I certainly wouldn't mind selling her the ORIGINAL to give as a gift. ;-) She snarled and so I'm doing a penguin papercutting for her to give instead :-) I am under STRICT orders not to give (or sell) THAT one to anyone else. :-) Works for me! :-)