• Randi Grace Nilsberg
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  • Added 15 Mar 2021
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Sailing Away

What the Hell is She Doing? I brought my umbrella to the seaside to take some shots for my umbrella series. I started taking a couple of photos of the umbrella in the coarse sand on the beach. A small boat with two fishermen drove by. Since sound carries very well over calm water I could hear every word they were saying: \"What the hell is she doing? Taking pictures of an UMBRELLA?\" Right then I laughed inside, but now I wonder what they would have said if they had returned two minutes later. I had this perfect image in my head of the umbrella floating upside down on the water. From thought to action I flipped the umbrella upside down and leaned out to let it into the water. The ripples from the boat were helpful and pushed the umbrella towards the shoreline and me. I ran back to the camera which was ready on the tripod and got my shots. THEN, for no reason at all the underwater currents changed direction and pushed the umbrella further and further away from me. I tried to throw rocks into the water to make the little waves bring the umbrella back, but that was a fruitless move. The umbrella was picking up speed and getting out of reach from where I was standing safe and dry on the beach. It all happened so fast that instead of thinking I acted and just walked out into the cold water and grabbed it. It was late October, and normal people do not get in the water in October! Not in Norway! So glad the two men in the boat did not return at that exact moment when I was in water to my hips rescuing an umbrella worth 5 dollars! At least I do what it takes to get that perfect shot! Just saying..... The shot didn't turn out so perfect after all, so I went back the next day to try again. This time the umbrella was securely attached to a fishing line. Just in case........ The texture I have added is a photo of a broken window,

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