• Katz Blechl
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  • Added 22 Jan 2005
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Chainmaille--Copper Style

Unfinished piece of a Copper-maille vest in which I started by stripping 14/2 electrical wire, coiled it on a hand turned coiler, cut by hand, then weaved together using only two pliers and alot of patience. Projected Date of Finishing: End of 2005

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 23 Sep 2012

I appreciate Arthur Katz and his weittrn works. Don’t forget about the Prophetic Call and Spirit of Prophecy and Spirit of Truth (year?) (that I printed out in early 2003-it’s treasure).I didn’t like that they kept revising on-line and changing, so what I have in 2003 was excellent; weittrn works best I’ve read since Leonard Ravenhill (Why Revival Tarries and America is Too Young to Die, Tried and Transfigured etc.). I’ve been giving out quite a few Apostolic Foundations to those who are called to. The church as a whole doesn’t talk about Apostolic and or Prophetic (they reject and run them out). No one questions, the church/leadership their lack of help to the fatherless, widow, orphan, poor, single parent, homeless or that these two gifts aren’t in play. My former (cult) denomination (demonation) you were taught to fear and run and reject (get unbrainwashed) from the apostolic and prophetic so they have a man made agenda and it’s a business. It's what your money to keep them in their philanthropic lifestyles. Very sad people (sheep) don’t question and read and research a matter. There is a lot of people saved and unsaved that are called to this and not taught about by their false/hireling/wolf shepherds (Ezek 34: Jere 23; keeping the people suppressed and in bondage to dogma-man made rules). A lot of people in the media are called to this along with movie industry etc. I give it out as gifts, alms and offerings. ENCOURAGE THEM TO REPRINT THE BOOKS! Helpful books to leave false church is Don’t Call Me Brother by Austin Miles and Toxic Faith by Stephen Arterburn, Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola along with Arthur Katz weittrn works. Numbers 6:24-26. Sad to say I basically told church leadership @ large the only two authors I would recommded other than the Bible is Ravenhill and Katz (eat the meat and spit out the bones). The denomination I left was murders of the prophetic, they were your training for Saul, Jezebel, Herod, Judas and Pharoah and that all equals murder their god was money and you as a number (absolutely no fruit). Check ministries 501c3’s and see where the money goes and that will tell you and start asking and questioning where the money goes START READING YOUR BIBLES from cover to cover (don't depend on the hireling to give you the Word-Bible), he's not going to (he wants you stupid and brainwashed). David Wilkerson did an article on Jezebel back in November 2001 damning doctering sending more people to hell (you bet); late this year he wrote an article he wanted Trouble Makers (in the church etc), research in his archives World Challenge). Always research a matter. Best wishes.