• richard hubal
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  • Added 18 Jan 2005
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The Vulcans 2003/ Clay Relief-27

8 sets- Vulcans 2003- acrylic 2d relief WINTER CARNIVAL LEGEND A long, long time ago, Astraious, the god of Starlight, and Eos, the goddess of the RosyFingered Morn, were wed. The union was blessed with five sons: Boreas, Titan, Erous, Zephyrus and Notos. As the eldest, Boreas was granted the title King of the Winds and he assigned to each brother a permanent grant of great force and power. To Titan was assigned the blustery North Wind. To Euros was granted control of the irresponsible East Wind. To Zephyrus was given custody of the bountiful West Wind. To Notos was presented the balmy South Wind. The brothers cavorted gaily over the land and sea. Boreas, while on his extensive travels, came upon a winter paradise known as Minnesota. He paused to behold the enchanting beauty of a magnificent group of seven gently sloping hills in whose embrace nestled a beautiful city. Boreas whistled in sheer ecstasy. "Historic Saint Paul and her seven hills! An ideal place. I will make Saint Paul the capital of all my domains. It will henceforth be emblazoned to the world as the winter playground of the realm of Boreas. Meanwhile, Vulcanus the god of Fire, and implacable enemy of Boreas, crackled in defiant disdain. "By the great sword of Mars, I will temper the blusterings of Boreas with the heat and roar of my forces." He was tireless in his bitter resistance to all the festivities of Boreas. Undaunted, Boreas proclaimed a celebration in the spirit of gay Carnival. "So be it!" shouted Boreas. "There will be a Carnival in old Saint Paul!" Preparations were made in all the Principalities, Provinces, and Royal Houses within the Realm of Saint Paul. And so for ten glorious days there was a Carnival and joyous celebration in Saint Paul, feasting, dancing, fun and frolic reigned over by Boreas and his Queen of Snows, the fairest maiden of the realm, along with the four Winds who were each accompanied by a lovely Princess from the realm of Boreas. Klondike Kate a lady of song and merriment, added her sassy but enchanting voice to the festivities by singing songs of desire and sentiment. Senior King Winter, Queen of the Northlands, and their court contributed good will and wisdom, while Junior King Frost and Queen of the Snowflakes, with their court, add youthful exuberance to the festival. On the tenth day of celebration, Vulcanus Rex and his Krewe stormed the Ice Palace. Upon the good council of his queen, Boreas bade farewell to the people of his winter capital in the interest of peace and goodwill and returned to dwell among the gods of Olympus. Boreas and his Court looked forward to the time when summer's warmth would once again relinquish its hold on the realm and the frosty atmosphere of winter would prevail.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 18 Nov 2013

This was commissioned by our "Sooty" as a Christmas gift to each of the Krewe. This was actually taken from our 1st Official photo that was taken at the "Vulcan Coming Out Party" at Como Park on January 24, 2003.

Anonymous Guest 18 Nov 2013

Hey...that is me, the one on the far left with the horn (megaphone).