• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 04 May 2018
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In a Reply to Roger's Post - In the Sky

It was not a coincidence, I thought to myself, several months ago, while viewing Roger's post, ( Home page of my FB)
I was quite stunned by the note and similarity of handwriting , which brought memories into my mind. Also the name, Roger.
I asked myself how could you possibly know... ( !?)... What connections you have between...
Remembering this note, I received from a certain Roger : July 15, 1982. Evening , TWA flight from NY, to MB.
By chance I found this note, written by Roger, yesterday, inside a small notebook, where I wrote details from a journey.
I remember your look, Roger Vaguely... Blue EyEs and Blond hair.
You said you have a twin brother... I was almost 18 years old, Israeli, and you were 23 years old as you said. I thought you were American, it seemed your origin country Ireland.
I was quiet polite and delicate, while you were, quiet polite and very romantic.
Our attitude and approach was different. Even if I felt myself matured, I now think I was still a girl,
while you were a man...Remember the situation at the flight.

The last moments of "our meeting", took place outside the air port.
I was already on the bus together with my friends, members of the Ramat- Gan Youth Band.
You tried to find out from our Conductor, at what hotel we stayed, but he did not allow you to see me later, or give you no details, since of security and safety.

"Nira, please call me... " your last words,
there down the bus, looking at me on the bus, you started to play the Guitar and Sang. The Song, i heard first time t that day, and I am not sure what song was it.. or if heard it later in my life.
More details, I wrote in my small notebook, which I brought with me, to this journey.
How strange and so surprising it was that day, I saw a similar note at Roger's Posts.
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Joanie Holliday 05 May 2018


Artist Reply: Dear Joanie. There are so very many Rogers out there. This note I recived in 82. As i explained i viewed a post from another Roger... Not the same at FB. Also a singer. The one i met in 82 look different as i could remember. I have no idea.. If they have any kind of connection between them. But it seems strange and surprising and brought thoughts and memories.. Until i viewed the note in FB.. I actually forgot i met another Roger in 82.. But the note immediately brought back thoughts or memories of that time of my life. I have not got full details of the person i met back then in 82. except what i wrote myself and remember him. I gave him nothing.. Not even a small details of where i lived then or phone number.. I simply did not even thought of it in the airplain. It seems he was very experinced and i was not actually. I did try to phone him few days after.. Yet he was not available.. Or actually the code to call was different then the method in Israel. So i gave up... I am not sure even if i gave him my full name.. Only Nira.. I think.. In my notebook. I wrote myself only Roger.. So i dont remember if he gave me his full name. It does not really matters now.. Since it is so far away in my past. If i see him i would not recognize him i guess. And surely the same for him.. So many years after.. When i read my words from 82.. I remember more of what was. It was good to read those lines... Nostalgic. Before i saw the note in Roger Fb.. I did not saw or think of any connection really.. Just the name Roger. Life and what it brings or brought actually. Thanks for visiting.
Artist Reply: Joanie and even if i knew today more details of him.. And may gind him through FB.. Can I really write.. E.mail him without peepers at my private mails... ? He is not the only person I would check in FB.. But thats without people invading my personal life... Who cares really about my private personal life.. ? ... Name me 10 people care and would do to help bringing my privacy back to my life... Good luck to u. L

Thom Roslan 05 May 2018

Some Memories are worth saving ! ! ! Does LOVE come instantly to oneself when meeting a stranger OR does it have to molten in your heart for awhile before exploding into a passionate experience ? Who Knows.............except the one who is feeling it for the first time !

Artist Reply: YES, Indeed Thom. Some memories worth saving, this was one, I guess. I remembered it partly, so it was good reading my words from 82. I shared with what I can here. I miss those days when we could write to one another without spies on private mails or computers, mobile etc.. I suggested my eldest son to do so.. he thought I am joking. I am sorry I did not write myself much more in my life. Thanks so much for visiting. Happy safety.

Al Budarin 04 May 2018

This was a Wonderful Romantic Encounter Full of Happy Fond memories,from years gone by,Fantastic Experience you'll always remember t hese thoughts

Artist Reply: Al.. thanks so much for visiting. Happy safety this weekend and always. NIRA.