• kir dracos
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  • Added 21 Dec 2004
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The Ambush

The beginning of the final chapter of the first saga of my extraordinarily long, multi-saga, 50+ major-characters-so-far story, after Kathra, Eryk, Dema, and Jere return to Khursinhi to find the Kora'Chi, the Dromi's flagship, hovering over their city, housing the Dromi's son. With their leader Nari missing and the Seekers of the Kora'Chi and those of Syrani intent on finding and slaughtering any Dari or rebel they find, the desperate friends meet with the Dari to try and formulate an escape plan. But unknown to them, the traitor of their people long ago revealed the location of the hidden Dari facility and the Seekers ambush the meeting. Most of the Dari survive the initial onslaught, but quite a few just barely make it. Here Kathra and Eryk, hurled out of the facility by the concussive blast of the explosion (along with their own aversity to being incinerated) grab frantically for the branches to halt their two-hundred foot plunge through Syrani's leafy canopy. KABOOM.

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