• Mari Naomi
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  • Added 07 Dec 2004
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road map to my broken heart

acrylic gels on found window with mixed media background. 15" x 52" 2004. art statement: the background to this piece is my first major collage attempt. initially, i had a lot of difficulty with the concept of using other peoples art and words as part of my own creation. i felt like a plagiarist, borrowing someone elses emotions and ideas. there were a few failed attempts before i realized that, for me to succeed at this, the collage had to tap into a very personal subject. at that point, i delved into my box of old letters and memorabilia. this is what resulted: the background collage consists of road maps, each location being one i associate with romantic loss. for example, the first highlighted location is st. petersburg, florida. i have never been there, but that is where my first love was traveling when i heard that he had been cheating on me. i have also included old letters, many of them written in better times. at the bottom, right-hand corner, is a page ripped out of my hitachi magic wand manual. i think the ladies will understand this resolution. hee.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Katy Jones 07 Dec 2004

Intriguing! I like it a lot!