• Elise Wong
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  • Added 28 May 2014
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Berserk Werewolf

It's the last semester of my college years and exams are being the B-word. As I am writing this.. I'm suppose to be studying, not to mention all the hours wasted away on this painting but I just had to express my frustration (or more of handling the boredom) I've been cooped up in my room for 4 months. It is getting pretty stuffy. Not to mention when exams stretches about a month. In a way, it's good. It gives me air to breathe in between papers but it is also excrutiating to know that freedom is so close yet so far. Stressed as I was, I drew this on my notebook and realised it'll do a good painting so I went further. In my mind.. His deep gravelly voice of a werewolf spoke in such rage, "I'M TELLING YOU! IF EXAM HAD A HEART, I'D RIP IT OUT OF ITS RIB CAGE AND WATCH IT'S LAST BEATS OF PUMPING BLOOD SUFFOCATE IN DRY OPEN AIR!!!" As you read this. Please wish me luck and in the time I spent doing this... Lets hope it was worth the break >< Thanks guys!


Anonymous Guest

Tim Linville 28 May 2014

It Was Worth the Break...The Rich Red Is a Killer Backdrop,and Very Effective!I Hope You Get Your Motivation on Exams.You'll Do Fine...It'll Happen Right When It Needs,Ay?Always Does... ;)

Artist Reply: I guess I feel more at peace now and can concentrate more now that Berserk Werewolf has run free to wreak havoc :P You're right, Tim. Thanks. hehe. Well, I've been trying to experiment on different simple backgrounds until I can do a more complex one. Thank you for your kind comments :D Always a great motivation ;)

Maria Anna Machado 28 May 2014

very beautiful work...

Artist Reply: Thank you Maria ^.^ Means a lot!