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Litter Sharkie

©2007-2011 Helena-Sophia Exel **********This design sprung from the realization that my first ever Kitty will frequently demand a clean litter box. As the focus on this issue generated the conviction to buy exclusively Pine-Pellets (horse bedding) instead of sand for Kittie's sake, it became equally clear that those pellets will have to be sifted through regularly. The Birth of 'Litter Sharkie™' - an oscillating multi tool with interchangeable tool heads. The euphoria receded quickly when the newly available improved and updated 'Patent Search' revealed that somebody else had a similar idea and patented it some years earlier. The other design resembled a small shopping basket with a flashlight body like battery holder - very much caveman style. From a positive point of view the Litter Sharkie™ was a good dry run - discovering tons of features that were unknown before. Just in case you, or somebody you know is interested in manufacturing the Litter Sharkie™ - let us know!

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