• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 19 Mar 2011
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Docked In Castle Bay V2

*I've heard and read those little sayings and quotes that most of us hear occasionally. One's like 'What can go wrong, will go wrong' and 'Every advantage, has its tax' and 'When it rains, it pours'. But the one saying that could go with a picture such as this would be something like 'The man is an island' or 'He is, the king of his castle'. That one kind of bugs me. It makes me think that when a man is behind his closed door and the draw bridge has been raised and only a moat surrounds his domain, that he can do whatever his great...or devious mind wants to. Maybe he believes 'Out of sight, out of mind' or 'What they don't know, won't hurt them'. I think I can only wish, that when someone has a power, I only hope they use it for good...but who am I kidding...Eve made Adam eat the apple...but they both had the choice to tell the serpent to 'Go to hell'...but they didn't, and so, mankind has been meant to suffer ever since I guess...except when you are Docked In Castle Bay and you Own the castle! ....as usual, just my thoughts. ....John Michael Piper *GO CHECK OUT MY COMPANY WEBSITE AT ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.COM* * www.artimationsdesigncomp.com * ***Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ John Michael Piper©2011, All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 27 Jan 2012

Your art is beautiful, as always. I just have to make one comment. Eve didn't make Adam eat the apple. She gave it to him. He chose to eat it. Their real sin was that they followed the serpent, who said in essence "God has lied to you." I find your thoughts interesting, and I had to respond to this point. Your art is just beautiful, and that's no lie. Nancy Camille Richardson

Artist Reply: *Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for the comment! An opinion is one of the greatest things and sometimes we can use them loosely, which is pretty much as I did here in this story. Thanks again for your comment and interest! Take care!

ruth sears 20 Mar 2011

striking work Johnny,as always love your little glowing lights and the water is done brilliantly.and,love reading your thoughts!

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Thanks so much once again! Yeah I think I was a little nutty when I wrote that, but it seems to make sense somehow. Thanks agin Ruth! Have a safe week!