• Annabel Lee
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  • Image 9 of 38
  • Added 02 Jul 2004
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Bark and Brambles

If any of you are curious about who these characters are, then check out this link: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/8545551/ ---------------- FEATURED CHARACTERS: Cal (left) and Taliana (right) CREATOR: Me! *waves* MEDIUMS: Prismacolour pencils (main subject matter in foreground), ink (black shadows, line art) and Paintshop Pro 5 (background and light effects) ------------------ Anyway, this is obviously the most complicated pic Ive done in a LONG time  at least 95% of what you see here is hand drawn/coloured. My poor felt tip pens had virtually all the life sucked out of them& I literally had to keeping scratching at the paper with the tip in order to get any ink out. X___X Repeat ad infinitum. *Bah* It took 12 ½ hours just to shade the pic with ink, and I dont recommend doing that if you want to keep a sane mind! @__@ Arr, and I'm well aware that the image has an uneven tilt to it which favours Cal more than Taliana. *Darn!!* I was hoping that after colouring it the tilt wouldnt be as noticeable but its still there, as annoying as ever! *shakes fist* I look at it now, and I realise how I should have positioned Taliana  she shouldve been drawn *upside down*!!!!! Doh! Um, well, just try to ignore it. ^^; (I know I am. =P) Lastly, in the hopefully near future, Im hoping to make this pic into a print. Its the first pic Ive scanned in at 300 DPI resolution, making it a candidate for turning into a print& ^^;; Ive still got a lot of house keeping matters to take care of before dealing with prints though, but Ill let you all know when things are on the move. ^^ So, that ends my rambling for tonight! Take care everyone! B^)

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Anonymous Guest

Kukua Akumanyi 12 Jan 2007

Well of that timewe and hard work it to to colour and shade paid of it's impossible to not be drawn in by it.. (if you will excuse the pun). Fantastically beautiful...

Jason Hill 05 Mar 2005

So very amazing. Wonderful detail on everything. I am in awe by your talent.

George Wallis 05 Mar 2005

powerful image, truly creative

Mark Peterson 05 Mar 2005

Lots of work and time went into this piece only for you to notice something unfavorable about it. I do the same thing....we are our own worst critic aren't we? But to my perception you did a fabulous job! A very nice piece for the front page.

Marshall Griffin 14 Jul 2004

By Grabthar's hammer!! What intricacy, indeed! And shinies galore. You, madam, are a well-oiled anime machine! Wait... that didn't sound quite right.. erm, I just mean you're fantastic. Best pic yet, I'd say. *steals felt tip pens for you* Go nuts!! ^__^