"The Fire Within," c.2014, pen on sketch paper, a referral to the Moses experience in Exodus 3:3, where the angel of the Lord came to speak to Moses on the mountain through a burning bush that was not consumed.


Anonymous Guest

Anna-Marie Evans 14 Nov 2014


Artist Reply: Anna-Marie, thank you so very much for saying this is a beautiful piece. I didn't want to complicated, but very alluring to viewers!!

John Cappello 12 Jul 2014

Lovely Exposition of Fascinating choice Figures. Your colors are so Vibrant and Vivid.

Artist Reply: Thank you John, I wanted the colors to be bright, vibrant and vivid. It was not consumed! Glad you liked it enough to make a compliment!! My Best, Mark

Maria Anna Machado 10 May 2014


Artist Reply: Thank you so very much Maria for the compliment!! :)