• Nira Dabush
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  • Image 18 of 27
  • Added 23 Mar 2009
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Warm Heart for Nadia (Nadya)

Photos taken, March 14, 09... morning. Dedicated to a dear woman, Nadia.. The first woman who encourage my painting...My drawing teacher , in elementary school. A very wise, strange woman :-).. with extraordinary sense of humor. An artist herself.

For the inspiration, you gave to my life back then..
For the inspiration , I gave to your life... just after back then..
For your love to children...
For being such special as you are... Because you are so special.. and so strong.
be healthy... !!
I know, I see paintings of you in future.
Love you.. your Nirush... Nirka
No Nadia is not surfing the internet.. she prefers to read and cook :-)...
Edula, if you are here by chance today.. hug her for me, until i'll visit.

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Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush

5 of 19 Comments Show All 19 Comments

Anonymous Guest

geoff cooper 04 Apr 2009

lovely picture Nira.

Barry Huyett 24 Mar 2009

4 inspiration.....beautiful!

Artist Reply: Get inspired Barry... of course can you take inspiration for 4 artworks and more :-)... there's a good chance that i'll inspired by it as well. warm regards...

Alberto D'Assumpcao 24 Mar 2009

Spectacular image and colours, dear Nira!!! Great tribute, my friend!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much dear Alberto... Enjoy the day, Nira.

Thom Roslan 24 Mar 2009

How Sweet, Dear Nira.....or should I say Nirush ? Such a "cute" nickname for you.....you must have been a diligent student of hers......and you still stay in contact with her? How delightful !

Artist Reply: Dear Thomi... you call me, the way it feel natural for you. Nirush is my most common nickname, since childhood. My father call me Nirush or Nirushka (Nirushka - kolaka {=shokolada}) also :-) My brothers and also mostly the younger one...my sister in law (usually), and few other friends also call me Nirush. I have close friends calling me Nira of course :-)... So... Thomi... I very much like people calling me Nirush, for me it's natural, like Nira. In away there's the SH sound OF niruSH in DabuSH.. So, its kind of mixute. So please feel free to use, any nickname.. because you undoubtedly one of the closest I-NET friends, I have.

Izabella Pavlushko 23 Mar 2009

awesome colors, LOVE IT, dear Nira!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Izabella... Good morning from Israel...