• Elton Houck
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  • Added 18 Jun 2006
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the RED BOOK: railroad crossing without any R's

(c) 2006 Elton Houck...

RED BOOK: "railroad crossing without any R's "

This is in memory of my Father and his silly cornball jokes and rhymes. This sketch is a mental image of the one he often told (again and again no less). It went like this. "...Railroad crossing, look out for the cars. Can you spell that without any R's?" The answer to this little limeric was of course "T..H...A..T." ANYWAY, THIS ONE IS FOR MY DAD WHO RECEIVED CHRIST AS HIS SAVIOR TWO DAYS BEFORE GOING HOME..The lORD WAS GRACIOUS TO ALLOW "THE LEAST OF ALL HIS SAINTS" (that would be me) to witness to my father at the hospital, the day before he went home to be with his Lord...Yes he accepted Christ on his death bed...It's never to late for the Lord's forgivness, unless you wait beyond that final breath...DON'T PLAY CLOSE AND SAY YOU'LL TURN TO THE LORD LATER..YOU DO NOT KNOW IF YOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY BEFORE THAT FINAL BREATH...MY FATHER WAS NOT IN GRAVE DANGER AND WE HAD NO IDEA THAT HIS TIME WAS SO SHORT. Don't play the odds with your eternal destiny..Hit your kness and ask God to forgive you and to be your Lord...and then there is no death--but life eternal with the Lord....

This is from THE RED BOOK..a hard covered spiral bound chapbook of 43 original individual paintings and drawings each measuring 4.5" X 7" on black acid free paper.

The works in this chapbook begin in 2002 and continue into 2006.The work includes acrylic paint, pages grounded with white gesso, pages grounded with black gesso, and workds using India inks, gel pens, acrylic paint , colored pencils, pastels, crepas, and any combination of the mix.

If your heart cries out to get the gospel to the persecuted while there is time,,,THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS has a subsidary mission wing for distrubiting Bibles to eager seekers in China...If you would like to be a part of this great latter day Harvest, here is the URL : https://www.biblesunbound.com/qrs/mc_logon.taf

5 of 11 Comments Show All 11 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Ric Strange 24 Jul 2006

love your out of the box mind .....great stuff

Carrie Ann Watson 20 Jun 2006

What a wonderful tribute, Elton! Great work!

Chas Sinklier 19 Jun 2006

I'm glad for you and for him Elton and I am glad for all of us for knowing this lyrical piece of work :0)

Barbara Beck-Azar 19 Jun 2006

elton, what a loving and intricately complex tribute to your father.. the limerick is delightful! i lost my father last year with the same story: at a time when we thought he would come home to us.. he too, waited to the last to give his life to Christ and went on to his next life... my appreciation to you for the reminder to honor our fathers, as well as the reminder to know your salvation.

Ginger Lovellette 18 Jun 2006

Great work!