• Chas Sinklier
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  • Image 148 of 279
  • Added 07 Jun 2012
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Waiting For Venus

One thing about photographing Hot Rods in the dead of night – you might as well stay up for a sunrise once in awhile – Especially when Ur Waiting For Venus. Yeh every hundred plus or so years the planet Venus can be seen to pass between the Earth and the Sun – How Cool is That? ~:0) We set up a tent – with air- conditioning no less – and hung out waiting for the sun to come ’round again. Seemed to make sense at the time and with electricity available at the site somewhere along Devil’s Backbone outside Wimberly Texas we had all the comforts that could be afforded by the Yellow Truck laden with camping materiel and such as fried-chicken and Dish TV to watch while Waiting For Venus to arrive sometime later the next morning – it was fun – almost like camping out – as they say – Ha! Anyway, killing two birds with the one stone we shot Photos of the nice Black and Red Chevy Camaro and then snuggled down with sugar- plums dancing hoping to wander out sometime around sunrise so I could get meself a nice sun coming up pix with the street rod and then returning to catch additional winks find me way out again later in the day to catch Venus in the act! And that’s a picture for another time and maybe even a different Chevrolet – or maybe the same one who knows what with this post coming from the field – so to speak. I was reminded by this outing that I do not particularly enjoy the bush even when there’s A/C and Dish b/c all the little creepy-crawlies are still out there and most of our lot would rather not think about them and certainly do not wish to come across any of them out in their natural habitat – I don’t even like to use the word habitat! Anyway one does what one must for his art and for the nice folks who actually part with some of their hard earned cash for a nice metallic (or art) print of something like the bewdy sunrise pictured above ~:0) VivaChas!

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Karen Helsing 08 Jun 2012

Great shot, Chas!

Artist Reply: thanks Karen - it's a fave of mine - skies can be very cool ~:0) VivaChas!