• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 31 May 2011
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Cabin on a Windy Hill

Well, as part of the Luckenbach adventure we continued North to Texas 290 between Austin the state capital and Fredericksburg a town settled by German immigrants in the eighteen-forties or so. We turned left toward Fredericksburg because it was many miles closer and we knew a Tex-Mex Restaurant there that served Margaritas and so we reckoned they’d serve us~:0) Driving 290 we saw some spectacular “town-close” views and ol’what’shername’s fave – shops. Fred-burg (I’m tired of typing the full name) is a popular “old-town” shopping destination in the middle of the state with beautiful scenery situated in a massive valley or plateau depending how you look at it – smack in the midst of the heart of Texas. But the Heart of Texas has to be taken with a grain of salt because it’s a very big heart! Anyway, we happened past this very cool cabin and windmill atop a windy hill – and I do mean windy. The day’s temperature topped out at about 100 degrees (33c for the metric bunch) but the strong winds and some rain out there somewhere kept the air pretty tolerable and all-in-all a great day for the trek – shot lots of pix that I’ll be sharing over the next couple weeks – - – VivaChas! - visit vivachas dotcom ~:0)

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