• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 20 Aug 2010
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Sunset Colors

I remember when my two brothers, my father and I used to wake up real early, like at 5am and get ready to go fishing at some nearby lake. It was almost always a great time, because you know, a bad day fishing, is better than a good day working. But at the end of each day we would would be fishing, and we each had our 'spot' that we would fish from and this picture is depicting my 'spot' where I caught a couple rainbow trout from...but the sunset is what I remember most of all. the colors were extremely beautiful and it was so peacuful there that I just had to try to bring that memory back in artform. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! ....as usual, just my thoughts. ....John M. *GO CHECK OUT MY NEW WEBSITE DESIGN CALLED ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.COM* **Check out ArtimationsDesignComp.com at: http://www.artimationsdesigncomp.com/ ***Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper©2010, All Rights Reserved

5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Lynn De Serres 31 Mar 2011

Awesome artwork. So creative and unique. Great work !!!

Artist Reply: *Hi Lynn! WoW Cool thanks! I truly appreciate your words and the time you took to post them about my work! Thanks so very much again! Have a great weekend and take care!

Anneke Hut 21 Aug 2010

What a great place to be! I can imagine that you loved it, Johnny. The colours in the sky are marvellous!

Artist Reply: *Hi Anneke! Thanks so much! Yes it was quite a time in my young life...that's why I really wanted to try to make this work as close to the memory so that when I look at it myself I will be reminded of that time in my life when things were so much easier...like a vacation for my mind! Thanks again!

Emily Reed 21 Aug 2010

Splendid artwork, dear Johnny!

Artist Reply: *Hi Emily! I once again thank you so much Emily! I always appreciate your comments!

Connie Sonnenberg 20 Aug 2010

Very nice Johnny. I too have early morning childhood memories of fishing. Looking for nightcrawlers at night with a flashlight :-)

Artist Reply: *Hi Connie! Awww, I remember doin that too! A friend of my families had a worm farm and we use to dig into the little, well not little....but the worm hills that were full of nightcrawlers! Them fishies really luv them wormies! Always caught a nice stringer of fish using them! Thanks for the comment and I am more than happy sharing my memories and artwork with you and everyone!

Brenda Loveless 20 Aug 2010

very pleasant, soothing image; nice memories, too!

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Yes, those were some of my happy times when I was a youngster! Glad to have helped bring some into you from your past!