• Heli Aarniranta
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  • Image 141 of 2348
  • Added 27 Jul 2010
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drinking from the endless ocean of..:=)

..LOVE!!! .. about devotion that frees!! see my favorite videos and LIFEBLISS YES..he talks so clear about the subjects about truth and inner awakening gives techniques( only if it clicks with you) Universal truths! I love to listen to them daily! A lot was going on ..I am joyful that the truth and the proccess continues..and we all can find our ways and truths in life in as Calvin so nicely puts.".ALWAYS!" Thank you for showing some really enlightenig way with your art how it is done with excellent divine details and passion and talent! go and seehis art it's gourgeous! ------------ ------------------- what ever thirst YOU have..it is FULLFILLED.. ------------------ many times i am in awe and wonder..i do not have words to explain..so many times it really belittles and can't yet explain the pure experience felt!! ------------------ The moments shared though..and what i think afterwards..well..and right now when i get the memory of the moment.. -------------------- new self help give away..and oh i been bombarded with the new video of BOBPROCTORS interview..bless..so if you have not seen it go and do it!! --------------- my new blog..seems it's good to have it will be posting excellent new info online tools..products and links on my new blog site aswell..my own art and photos I do not share here..and keep a look out my new wordpress blog(s) well might be many will let you know once i really get going.. there are pretty much new coming all the time.. well ..did I mention..YOU ASK.,well it really is given to YOU and RAPID and with ABUNDANCY, so much..it's time to time a little owerhelming to receive that much GODDIES!!Bless. ------------ Enjoy summer yur day and LIFE!! ---- se ya soon..oh yes.YESTERDAY is GONE..today is HERE NOW!! TOmorrow comes..-When its day is..rest start creating!!! -------------- HOLD YOUR HAT!! and laugh all the way true!! MY tears has rrun out now..Grief ha sgone..the new exitment of NOW..is here...will go and implement few new stargegies and TOOLs found..and will see where I land with those.!! -------------- EXITED shore I AM!! --------------- what ever I put out there..I seemed to attract a lot of opposing elemnts and distractions to my life!! Now instead I found very much so helpful exiting and ALLIES..we all need them..I found support..-well needed when learning new stuff..and boy are we if we jump from the confortzone..well creatives knows what that zone is..but time to time as humans we get those blocks to resolve we all do!! ---------- Finding right tools with informatin overload in the selfhelp niche is ..well overhelming too..:=) can be if you let it!! -------- there si also a lot of help in th finacial arena..lots of c crap and well lotsof really helpful people and experienced too..to guide you..discern F*IND your coches and mentors and GO!! -------------- LIFE is so wonderfully exilirating experience in it's ups and downs.. fro inside out.. -----------

1 Comment

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ruth sears 27 Jul 2010

what a very fine capture.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the nice commenting/and positive feedback it is valued and appreciated.