Detroit Michigan: The Waterfront ca. 1890 9/17/09

This is not the finished sky in this work. It is a conceptual sky which I created in PhotoShop. I wish I could guarantee that the real sky should look this good. The paper I am working with is over ten years old and the sizing has deteriorated, so I did this digital sky because I want to have a really good idea where I am going with my celestial composition. I am going to try to restore a more youthful surface by using gel sizing to restore the surface... I hope! I am waiting until the end of the work because i want to paint on as flat a piece of paper as possible. It makes the tight detail work possible when the paper hasn't buckled. The detail section I chose will be the main draw to the eye. The high density of the people in this section creates a sort "fluttering" light effect to capture the viewer's attention. Hopefully the next work will be the completed painting with a sky that looks better than the digital version.


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Julie Mayser 20 Sep 2009

I am waiting impatiently to see the finished product, Stanton... this is a tease, to see parts.... although it still is quite interesting. Love the digital sky, great job! Why are you torturing yourself with this old piece of paper? Is the new WC paper not as good?

Artist Reply: About 15 years ago I noticed that the Movlin Papier De Arche was not what it once was when I was buying about 5 sheets at a time and going through it a lot faster. I did a bunch of checking around and found out that there were a series of mergers throughout the business, and that the quality of all of the paper out there expected to get worse. I had a chance to buy about 100 sheets of Lanaquarelle 30 x 40 inch sheets for a little over $100 dollars. I had the money at the time so I did. Since I was buying my paper in smaller quantities and was using it up faster, I wasn't aware that the paper could deteriorate the way it has. I bought some sizing from Daniel Smith Co., and will try to add sizing to the surface in sections rather than resize the whole sheet. I am trying to cut down on process and work more on productivity, since as I am getting older, my productivity is waning. It seems that time and heat can do the same damage as multi-national corporate mergers and acquisitions, it just takes a while longer.

Anneke Hut 18 Sep 2009

It's beautiful already, Stanton, it's becoming an aweseome painting again!

Artist Reply: Thanks Anneke, It is surprisingly difficult trying to get detail from an old piece of paper. The sizing has deteriorated a bit, and pigment will sometimes soak into the paper and suddenly begin to spread in random and undesirable ways!

Reba McDonald 18 Sep 2009

Great detail Stanton.

jamie winter 18 Sep 2009

excellent work. so detailed and well done. just excellent

Sharon Gonzalez 18 Sep 2009


Emily Reed 18 Sep 2009


Marika Antal 18 Sep 2009

Thanks for sharing this make-never seen work!!