• Cara Bevan
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  • Added 04 Sep 2009
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Fowl Martyr

This painting, though similar to my other rooster portraits, is at the same time different. It is in memory of Zeik, the araucana rooster, who died April 25, 2008, around 6:30 pm. His death was unexpected and mysterious – he was young, had no illnesses, and had no apparent injuries. Let this be his Eulogy: Zeik came to our farm accidentally. One year we bought some chicks from a feed store that were supposed to be all hens. Zeik was somehow mixed in with the brood, but we didn’t mind. Since he was a chick he was always mild mannered and beautiful. His tail feathers were iridescent green, as was his dark colored body, but his neck and wings were white. He was most known for his unusual ‘beard’ of feathers instead of a gobble, giving him an Amish look. Thus, Ezekiel (Zeik) became his name. Zeik, as mild mannered as he was, became the target for Big White’s anger (the Fowl King). They sparred often and fought to defend territory and hens. Zeik was nearly the same size as the other roosters, but that didn’t help him. He lost most of the battles because he wasn’t aggressive enough. Zeik settled for second best, but he stole our hearts and was our number one. Don’t let the news of Zeik’s death sadden you, for my painting is a celebration of his life. Thus, title of this painting is “Fowl Martyr.” What he can no longer tell us I will tell for him through my art. A picture is worth a thousand words. “Fowl Martyr” 16x20 inch canvas. Acrylic. © Cara Bevan ‘08


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 06 Sep 2010

i'll always love your chickens best.

sylvia etie 05 Sep 2009

Your work is wonderful. I think you now are one of my favorites.

Sharon Gonzalez 04 Sep 2009


ruth sears 04 Sep 2009

your work is so amazing,this looks so real,vibrant colors and wonderful background.