• Bruce Combs
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  • Added 28 Aug 2009
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jerry carlin 28 Aug 2009

Well, I am off to look at your Blog because Anneke praises it so much!

Artist Reply: Thanks for telling me, Jerry. Hope you find my latest ArtWanted blog worth the trip. Blogs are not too clearly addressed here, because it says "Create..." and not until I did want to write one did I find that was where they were published, too. Unless I've missed it, there is no other "button" for members, and I don't find any at all for "visitors!" Here's the link for anybody who cares to look at my blogs. http://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=46151&Tab=Blog I don't know anyway to find others except from their creator's site. Evidently you agree about holding Anneke in the highest regard in art, kindness, beauty -- what else is there? Peace, etc., Bruce

Anneke Hut 28 Aug 2009

My dear friend Bruce, what a wonderful avatar for your blog! I've read your new blog entry, thank you for all these sweet words to me, I feel very honoured by them. I'm very happy that you like to share your art too and I've seen others on this site that do the same. Maybe all these bits can help to make this world a better place for all of us; what joy is there in having all if there are so many still that have nothing? Most of us live in luxury in rich countries and have more than we can use, it is a simple thing to share. I very much agree with your thoughts about investment in the future! A wonderful ideal, that I hope many will follow!! The way you explain that it's not all about selling art or giving money, but that sharing can be done in many ways, like signing petitions, supporting politicians that are working for the good cause, helping neighbours, sending out positive vibes and so on, everyone can add to this list. When we all think about it we can all without doubt do something that's an investment in our future. I would like to ask every reader of your blog to at least consider your great idea of sharing in any possible way.

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much, Anneke, for your enthusiastic and encouraging endorsement of my presentation of ideas which mostly came from you! I have the deepest respect for your self, your talents, your intellect, and your eagerness to work thoughtfully, imaginatively, patiently, and diligently on your art and probably on all that you do! Thank you. Peace, etc., Bruce

Stefani Wehner 28 Aug 2009


Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Stephanie.