• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 03 Aug 2009
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MahaRushie's Bad Dream

MahaRushie's Bad Dream - Date-Line USA - Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh announced that he was awakened at four o'clock in the morning by a dream of Barry Hussein Obama as a Sphinx and was unable to return to his slumbers... BHO later announced that he often dreams of Rush as well - I threw in the cheerleaders because I like 'em ~:0)


Anonymous Guest

Loredana 07 Aug 2009

Yeah the Cheerleaders help :)

Artist Reply: Knew they were just right there - in chess "when in doubt, push a pawn" - in my work "when in doubt, more cheerleaders!" - Ha! ~:0)

george query 06 Aug 2009

He must be back on the drugs!

Artist Reply: I think he's been dieting heavily - low-carb hallucinations - quick! Rush me a donut!!! Ha! - how about a hand for all those cute cheerleaders - yea-team! ~:0)

Alberto D'Assumpcao 04 Aug 2009

Great, Chas!!! Splendid colours, too!

Artist Reply: AD'A! Thanks - fun pix in my book - love the cheerleaders - and gotta laugh at the floating MahaRushie - and what a funny smiling Sphinx, eh? Ha! - I love the news!!! ~:0)