• Cori E. R. Trout
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  • Image 6 of 104
  • Added 23 Jun 2009
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Resistance I

I don't know how many of these I want to post here, but this is part of the "Resistance" series, number 1 of the 10 individual pieces. I also did two other works that have multiple pieces (one a trip-tych and the other with seven pieces in one) for a total of twelve pieces on 20 pieces of paper.

In this series I explored the little-exposed resistances and harshness found in the horse world. Everyone draws and paints horses loose and majestic, being in balance and harmony, but they often ignore the injustices.

If one is not aware of a resistance it can not be fixed. People need to be made aware.

Pastels and ink on 9X12" ColourFix paper. It's amazing stuff and I thoroughly enjoy working on it. Similar to the Ampersand's pastelbord, but cheaper and less durable. They also sell the actual ground that you can paint on any surface to work on, which I'd like to experiment with eventually.

Original for sale.

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