• Andrei Ajder
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  • Image 9 of 20
  • Added 19 Jun 2009
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WARNING! Contains blood and gutts... Gah... lame title... I know... but I had no clue what else to call it... The characters are from my story: Jon ( Jonaleth Fainhart de Silvonidaar ) and Draghi ( Northen Green Hill Dragon ). Anyway, this started out as a scene in my story I imagined... Trying to portray the more grotesc part of even the most friendlyest dragon ( and not doing a good job at it... those gutts look like spaghety... need better referance ). Now, the main idea behind this image was how a dragon is capable of sharing his meal with his master willingly ( wich of course an animal would never do ). Now, of course the question of tastes arises here. For a dragon, or any predatore, the most apealing and delicious part of a kill are the soft and easy to eat innards ( and when they do make a kill, it's these soft bits that they eat first ). Now, the dragon feals generous and decides he wants to share a part of his kill with his master ( wich is drinking tea and eating willd fruits and berries, and the dragon knows that his master won't satisfy his own hunger with just that ). On the other side of the spectrum, the elf is not a very enthusiastic meat eater, he eats meat from tiem to time, but it's not something he particularly enjoys ( and that is not uncommon amongst elves ). Now, he raised his dragon ever since he was but a hatchling bearly out of his egg, and saw him grow and develope, hand feeding him at first, then teaching him how to feed himself out of necesity. Over the years spent with him he got used to his dragon's feeding habbits ( and let me tell you this, this dragon is a very messy eater ). But what he could never really get used to are his dragon's disgusting ( but otherways very touching ) acts of charity. And that's because the dragon is preatty direct about it, tearing out a bloody piece of meat ( in this case innards ) out of the carcase and mearly droping it in his master's lap, then murring softly, expecting to be praised for it. Of course the dragon never really understands why exactly his master dosen't aprove of his friendly offerings and always turns them down... quite vocally too, despite beying able to feal that his master is hungry, givven their psichyc link. Despite beying togheter all their lives, these two still have a lot to learn about eachother, no? So the scene depicts the dragon getting ready to share his catch. His master has noticed this, but will he manage to stop him in time? Or will he go through the rest of the weeklong survival training with bloody clouthing... The pic is a sequal to my other pic "Hunt": http://ajder.deviantart.com/art/Hunt-63053857 P.S. I have nothing agaisnt deer, but they have the misfortune of beying the typical pray animal of the temperate regions.

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