• Candace Wilson
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  • Added 12 May 2009
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the Vision, Neko Harbour

Oil on canvas 16 x 20”/ 41 x 51 cm with peridot, amethyst, glass, smokey quartz The Antarctic ice has caves everywhere and I had a vision about a mystical being who lived with her people under the icecap. This vision came to me as I was lying in the snow, meditating, at Neko Harbour. The colour purple is representative of the crown chakra or the most evolved center of consciousness in the human body. The turquoise of the glass shards facilitates communication; amethyst is a stone of meditation and spirituality which helps transmute lower frequencies into higher ones. It bestows peace and stability as well as protection; peridot has has very strong healing properties and carries a warm, friendly energy.. These gemstones reflect the vibration of these ice beings and were included in this painting helping raise the resonance of the piece hence, of the viewer.

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