• peter wilson
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  • Image 13 of 14
  • Added 14 Mar 2009
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This concept came from travelling to work. I was waiting for my train to arrive, but I was early and watched a different train pull into the platform. As I looked with boredom, I noticed underneath the carriage was two little pigeon feet dangling in the wind. It was sick, but made me laugh, as it was catching a free ride. I am sorry to say the pigeon was dead as a dodo, but I found it a good source of inspiration. The pigeon has had a long hard day at work, he is resting with some beverages on his journey home as he feels burned out.


Anonymous Guest

Heloisa Castro 14 Mar 2009

great, Peter!!!

David Mask 14 Mar 2009

As I was running today, I saw one lone pigeon feeding with hundreds of starlings and grackles in a big field. Your computer graphic is well crafted and well thought out. Welcome to AW.

Artist Reply: Thanks for the comment and worm welcome, cheers pal.