• Cara Bevan
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  • Added 18 Dec 2008
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This is my last major painting of 2008, but it’s a great one. I’ll start all new art next year and will continue to post you the result. Enjoy! Every cat my family has seen, cared for, or met has a personality all its own. Those we have known for years we know much more of – they have gained titles, reputations, and our endless love. The cat I’ve painted is “Sassy”, the diva. Sassy belongs to a family group of cats we’ve cared for since July of 1994. Her mother, a primarily white calico, had her and four other kittens July 7 of that year. Since her birth Sassy was the diva – always yearning for attention and finding anyone who could give it. She had a knack for predicting where people will be. When I tended to my garden this year, right behind the old house where she lived with her family, she always met me there. But Sassy had her share of bad habits too. She loved to chew – on anything – mostly fingers! This was painful when she was young, but age made her lose her teeth so it was a bit less traumatic. With every diva personality is that little snap of aggressiveness. It was usually directed towards her two sisters, one of which was pushed out of the family circle because of it. Sassy also disliked feral or new coming cats. She roamed the territory searching out fresh meat to terrorize…thankfully she outgrew that too. In general Sassy was one of those dream cats. She met you when you needed love, she was beautiful and kind, and ever so willing to please. Rest in peace. She died of natural causes October of this year at age 14. Sassy (July 7, 1994 – October 26, 2008) “Sassy” 8x10” acrylic on canvas. © Cara Bevan 2008

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Anonymous Guest

Lynn De Serres 01 Sep 2009


Debbie Byess 26 Feb 2009

Gorgeous cat! I just love your work!

Teresa Dominici 25 Jan 2009

Gorgeous painting of Sassy and such a great tribute to her.

Laura Smith 27 Dec 2008

Beautiful painting of a beautiful cat. I'm so glad she had you to love her in her life. What a great tribute.

Cindy Sugg 20 Dec 2008

What a wonderful story Cara and a GREAT painting...WELL DONE!