• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 28 Sep 2008
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My Friend, the artist - Eilat Tzin

Guest artist, Eilat Tzin at her studio with her fine art. Eilat Tzin started her way as - Stage decoration designer... She continue with sculpturing , and now doing mostly painting.
Oh yes, she always also painted wonderfully , with great talent and skills.

I happen to know Eilat and her art during the years,through our both sons friendship, that started at kindergarten (about 10 years ago).
As we saw our kids growing...we followed each other art as artists friends during the years , and talked about it.

It was a wonderful opportunity yesterday to take Saar to visit at Eilat's exhibition at her studio.
Upper photo, historic photo of Eilat and Saar my son. Taken yesterday late afternoon.
Bottom photo, Eilat and her art.
I'll post 2 more photos at my blog, later... hopefully in my evening...
Eilat is the perfect model to take photos of :-) And Saar well.. of course he doesn't know, I manage to take such fantastic photo of him... :-) (but he'll know ;-)
please visit Eilat Tzin web-site :
Thanks for viewing and commenting.. Have yourself a splendid weekend. Copyrights to artworks of Eilat Tzin.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 18 Apr 2012

I can't hear anything over the sound of how awsemoe this article is.

Anonymous Guest 12 May 2011

Cool! That's a clever way of lokonig at it!

John Cappello 28 Aug 2009

Now the greates rule for success in every venture, proven over all other To go that extra mile in what every be you task, Even if you feel cheated in the pay of little silver the pendulum of life swings back and you reward are tenfold

Artist Reply: Hi JHon.. Your words sound insightful to me. The pendulum of life, placed/posted in my life ONE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION... Like unsolved issue. Will it ever be solved, or will it accompany my life, AS UNSOLVED QUESTION... I wonder, to say the least. Thank you for your kindness.

Kirby 09 Aug 2009

wow it's like a movie going on here at this one, makes me want to hug everybody, I love art and the people who live it, so cool, oh yes I have a crush on her too very pretty, hugs!!!

Ravinder Dutt 21 Apr 2009

u look nice very bubbly

Ulughbek Mukhamedov 08 Mar 2009

Perfectly and very lovely

MJ Mitchell 05 Oct 2008

How gracious and wonderful to "feature" a good friend on AW. She must be as talented and kind as you! You give such inspiration to those who would like or are trying to become an artist; even if my art expressions are though only photography - it makes me happy to create and to be able to capture a moment in time, hopefully that others will enjoy. I have a long road ahead to develop a better eye, to buy a better camera, to have the time (single mom w/ 3 kids), but I will eventually be there one day. And the most important part about all this are persons such as you that help those along the way - as I had mentioned above - to inspire......thank you Nira! (there are several on AW I will never forget in and through my journey and that continually support me!)

Artist Reply: Dear MJ, Thank you, my friend. Eilat is a very talented artist, and a wonderful person as well. A mother for 3 magnificent kids and a wife. Life is a journey, each of us, is at a different place, stage of his/her journey. Life is also continuous studying experience, that is if we wish to develop ourselves. Photography, MJ, is a wonderful way to capture a moment in time. Art, has many shapes... Photography is definitely one. Along the way, we meet many people... some will make all the difference for us. Some will inspire us to higher levels of inspiration. I'm glad to be one for YOU. Along my journey of LIFE... I met few people who influenced me, those, I will never forget.. those who has a most special place in my heart,forever. I will say few more words to you, I said it few times already... The more you do, the better you are. Don't afraid to try new things with your camera. I saw your photos, several times.. it seems to me you have a wonderful camera... I think, the camera is important... BUT, Much more, is the photographer behind it... Until recently, I used a very simple camera, and manage to bring some truly outstanding photos with it... - I worked A LOT With it... took as many photos as needed. I can take 300 photos, to have that FINE Macro of flower, I wish...... And if needed even more. I don't afraid of work, I believe work lead to consequences in art. The more you do, the more, you sEE... the better you'll be. There's already great love in you, for photography, MJ... You have the talent, and a wonderful camera... Keep up the work, my friend.. You'll reach the place you wish to be, for sure. Enjoy your kids, and I can tell you do... viewing your photos... take from them inspiration too :-) Love , Nira.

Anonymous Guest 02 Oct 2008

Dear Nira,the anonymous post at 5:53 p.m. Oct 2/08 was me,Dee!!!(((((((Hugs)))))):)

Artist Reply: I knew, it was YOU !! .. You have your own style :-)..LOVE YOU, Dee !

Anonymous Guest 02 Oct 2008

Dear Nira,I just finished reading Your Dear Friend's response at this post!!!I Echo all the KIND Loving compliments that Your Dear Beautiful Friend gave You!!!How Special that You have known each other for so many years!!! It Always Great to meet new Artist's!!I also would like to express How Blessed we are here at Artwanted,that such a VERY Talented Artist such as You,Nira,continue to Lovingly share Your Time and Great Talent with us!!!Hope You and Your Beautiful Family have a Fantastic Beautiful Day!!!((((((Hugs))))) p.s. Sorry for the mix up in my early response!!!

Artist Reply: Dearest Dee.. It's wonderful to come home from Tel- Aviv, where I buy my papers these days (and usually :-) to find you here .. :-)... Blessed we are ALL here in AW, to have your LOVE, That can be seen so well at each of your posts and each of your comments... My love to you and your wonderful family... blessings are sent your way and David... (((((((( HUGS )))))))) !! Nira.

Julie Mayser 02 Oct 2008

Such wonderful photos of your artist friend and her large studio! How gracious of you to post her work and her picture too and all the fine comments. Continued health and happiness to you both!

Artist Reply: Julie... Thanks for all comments. I enjoy Eilat's presence here also :-)... So, posting it, is my enjoyment as well. Continued health and happiness to you too, my friend.

David Holcombe 30 Sep 2008

What a nice thing to do for a good friend. We see the portrait of the artist, plus see a glimpse of her work (which has a very strong graphic quality).

Artist Reply: Dear David... Thanks so much for the visit and comments. If there are things, I can do for an artist friend, I WILL........This is the least I can do...I must do, what I can... Though... Are all artists the same ?... My life experience thought me, that totally not. Are all friends and friendships are the same.... ?... What's friends are for ?... Have a splendid day, Nira.

Anonymous Guest 30 Sep 2008

Hi Nira and friends, Thanks to your lovely community, i decided to share a few thoughts with you: From the first day i met Nira, i could tell she is very talented. Her art is really everywhere around her. Every piece of furniture, plate, wall - was treated with her hands, so that she is not just a 'studio-artist' or an 'exhibition-artist'. Her art doesnt depend on anything - its just there all the time. With great bright colors and themes, she develops her style through fascinating techniques. So your lucky to have her there : ) Thank you also for viewing my art. Eilat Tzin. Bamuza Studio Gallery.

Artist Reply: Dear Eilat. Thanks for your " tguvot lemegivim" :-)... We met first because of our kids... Things happening to us for reasons, no doubt in my mind... Like the immediate contact, Saar had with your son, Ido.. the first day, they met in kindergarten. It was their luck... and ours too, to get to know each other... and each other's art... and the opportunity to be able to talk with each other, about art, and us... and our kids. Their chemistry... and our chemistry. and we are about the same age, also. An artist is an artist!... to be an artist, is a choice... not particularly easy choice, like some maybe think... because it demands so much from the real artist, but also from those around the artist as well. To be an artist is a way of living... that's what I understood from the way, I LIVE. My art, is my life. And yes... Also YOU, Eilat, who is such an outstanding artist - You are yourself so creative in so many ways, and your art, and also contribution to your kids, at schools... and at home... and... I still remember, once, you made Ido's friends workshops at your home... Hope to sEE you soon, at the studio or home for chat about the kids.... (mine are not on at my portfolio ;-).. and art...of course... Dash lekulam.. Love, Nira. p.s: Plates... well only for their artwork, no one can eat on them.. i hope no one try to really wash them ;-).......

Alberto D'Assumpcao 30 Sep 2008

Splendid shot and a fascinating studio, isn't it?

Artist Reply: Dear Alberto, thanks for the visit.. Indeed Eilat and her studio, and work are fascinating.. I would love to see your working environment, my friend :-)... Good night from Israel, Nira.

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 29 Sep 2008

Dear Nira,Thank You for sharing these Great photos of Your Son and Your Son's Beautiful Friend,Eilat!!!Hope You all have a Beautiful Evening!!!(((((Hugs)))))),Dee :)

Artist Reply: Dee hello... thanks so much for the visit and comments.. as always a joy... Blessings from here... {{{{{{{{{{ hugs}}}}}}}}}} Nira.

Sandra McClure 28 Sep 2008

Nice photos Nira

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Sandra... very best wishes, Nira.

Ai Shan 28 Sep 2008

Great Nira, to introduce your friend Eilat! He has a wonderful smile:)

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Aishan... Indeed he has a wonderful smile, when he smiles.. can be seen on my blog :-)... I took this photo, without him knowing that I'm taking his photos... He does not like his photos taken... TOO MUCH, he says :-)... "kama.. kama efshar letsalem... ? " = How many photos can one take ?... :-)... {a lot...} And Eilat has a splendid smile as well...Very best wishes, Nira.

Les Jobes 28 Sep 2008

Great photos of your friend and fellow artist Eilat Tzin - and your son Saar! Very nice of you to share these personal moments with us.. thank you. Hope you have a splendid weekend my dear friend. :o)

Artist Reply: Dear Les... It's always a pleasure to share with YOU, dear friend & friends here moments such as this, and others as well :-) Thanks so much... very best wishes, Nira.

Reba McDonald 28 Sep 2008

Great photos Nira.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Reba... Very best wishes, Nira.

tom stones 28 Sep 2008

very nice Nira many thanks........................

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Tom... Very best wishes, Nira.

Olga van Dijk 28 Sep 2008

Hey I recognize your son there too... Lovely artist by the way with a great happy smile. A great exposure for her on artwanted. *Love and Light ~OvD*

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Olga... Very best wishes, Nira.

Emily Reed 28 Sep 2008


Artist Reply: I agree, Emily...INDEED!! Very best wishes, Nira

Ilsa Brittain 28 Sep 2008

these are great portraits!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Ilsa... Very best wishes, Nira.

geoff cooper 28 Sep 2008

beautiful photo's Nira, lovely people too.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Geoff... Very best wishes, Nira.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 28 Sep 2008

love these photos, love her art and love her smile and love you, dear Nirasje!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Nellushka... LOVE you !! ... Very best wishes to you and your wonderful extended family :-)... Nira.

Sharon Gonzalez 28 Sep 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Sharon.. it is so wonderful to share with people such as yourself. Very best wishes, Nira.