• Claire Horton
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  • Image 14 of 43
  • Added 02 Feb 2004
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One day we will be free

I finished it... i haven't slept all night i've been up about 21 hours or something.... i'm not tired.... I have no idea where i got the background from, just found it in my folder, sorry if it's your photo, i'll take it off if it is, please let me know... thank you........ This picture captures us both perfectly, how i'm looking at Nick, and how he's looking at me, a sense of longing and the fact we wont ever let go, i know if i lost you, Nick, I would be losing the one, you are my one, i look in your eyes and i can see my future mapped out safely, and so securely, we look after each other, always have as friends, but now we have a chance to hold on forever, and i'm not letting go of you, would be the death of me, i just hope everyone can accept it, not that it's anything to do with them.... they just want to interfere.... another reason to walk away, to push my head up, and put some back into life, show it I mean business, wonder why i was destructed some more, put in this possition. Now i have to find a reason to hold my head up high. Now I've found it again its time to fly fly...


Anonymous Guest

lucy blackburn 02 Oct 2006


Anonymous Guest 02 Feb 2004

thats me... woo hoo... nickoli famous oli... i love u claire xxx