• Lisa Weber
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  • Added 26 May 2008
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Welcome Home Jack!

Welcome Home Jack.... By Lisa Weber Copyright 2008 The scene opens with Cassia standing in the middle of the road waiting for someone. She always knew when Jack was in town before even he knew he was coming. Scene opens: [Screech.......A black sportscar comes to a screeching halt right in front of Cassia.] *Cassia:* Welcome home ...Jack. J*ack:* [Jack gets out of his sports car and leans on the front of the hood] Well...well if it isnt Cassia, Nice hair...lose a bet??? *Cassia:* Actually I think its quite fitting after you shaved my head last time you were here. Why are you back Jack?? *Jack:* Hey, a bets a bet honey, and you lost! Now is that a 357 or are you just glad to see me? *Cassia:* Cut the crap Jack, why are you here? *Jack:* Got some business to attend to, in fact I could use your help. *Cassia:* Last time I helped you I almost got killed! I suggest you turn around and jump back into your little toy and go. *Jack:* [Jack attempts to walk over to Cassia] Ahhhhhh, come on babe you know you love me! *Cassia:* Jack... I'm warning you! [Cassia Shoots at his feet] *Jack:* Hey now!!! Chill out okay, okay, heres the deal, 50G upfront and 100G when the jobs done, I know you could use the money! *Cassia:* Yeah right, like last time? Whats the job?...NO!... Ya know Im not falling for this again Jack, everytime you sucker me in then bail with the money without so much as a word! *Jack:* [Goes back to his trunk and grabs a case, opens it on the hood, lo and behold theirs 50G in it] Trust me now? *Cassia:* Holly crap Jack, where'd ya get this? *Jack:* Manix's got my sister Cassia, she's only twelve, I have 72 hours or she's gonna die. *Cassia:* What are you waiting for, Let's go get her! [Cassia jumps on her chopper, Jack in his car and they speed into the city to start another venture ...this time together] to be continued..... Lisa C. Weber ©2008 (Created with Bryce 6.1) Visit My Complete Artwanted Site for all My 3D Artwork. Thanks for dropping by and enjoy!

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Emily Reed 27 May 2008

Gorgeous, gorgeous art! Well done!