• julie Marks
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Twin Flames

Reality is about the return to balance. Balanced Partners are the people you meet along the way who help you create balance in your life. They are catalysts who allow you to activate your DNA codes. In a time of the evolution of consciousness, balanced partners would be on the same frequency saying and doing things that bring the awakening feeling. As the grid programs of our reality move towards balance and closure, many people will evaluate all aspects of their lives - physical, emotional, and spiritual. New connections will be forged to that end. As you move through your spiritual journey balanced partners will come into your life at the appointed time and place, as you attract them into your life. You generally attract each other by synchronicity, a Jungian concept meaning that there is something that will be shared by both people, after which they can remain close friends or stay for a while and move on as would a teacher. The door is generally open to meet again and share in the future. They remain in our lives for a period of time after learning lessons then can freely move on without a feeling of separation or soul loss. You 'attract' each other as you are on the same frequency and have things to share. The synchronicities that develop between you stagger the mind and hence raise the frequencies of both people. The recognition is perceived by both partners and is generally fast and fun - the connection forming quickly. You feel as if you knew this person all your life or possibly in another life. You intuitively know when you meet a twin soul, a more powerful attraction of two souls than soul mates. Since the phenomenon of soul mates has become an overused term, I prefer to describe the process as the meeting of "balanced partners." This spiritual relationship can involve people who live near you or far away. You may never physically meet. You may talk on the phone or email each other. Your conversations may increase from infrequent to several times in a day as you are both growing in ways that you cannot with anyone else. Events become exciting. Balanced partners can be of any age, sex, religion, from any culture and background, come from different walks of life; the point being they have entered your life to share information and experiences with you that enhance your journey giving you the feeling of moving closer to the spiritual mission that embraces your soul and tugs at your consciousness. Though most of us have experienced spiritual relationships in love, work, family, and with friends, meeting a twin flame takes on a new hue as they are people you generally would not have expected to connect with until you began your spiritual journey. Friends up until this point are people who fit into your lifestyle, but twin souls are guided to your genetic cellular memory, on your journey into awareness. Once you connect, the excitement and shared communication seems unmatched by anyone else around you. Spiritually you enhance each other's growth. It is as if one of you has half of the information you both seek and the other the balancing half. You can share dreams, travel to other destinations or in each other's dreams. Sometimes the reality of your life and life partners are in conflict or envious of these intense relationships, but, like a rip tide you are compelled to fulfill your purpose when connecting with these relationships that are meant to be and an essential part of your "healing journey." Hopefully, your friends, spouses and loved ones will understand the purpose of these relationships and not interfere with your spiritual growth. What destroys relationships is the need to possess the other and jealousy and envy can destroy relationships that are a very important part of your spiritual life. Often your partner is a soul mate and has to allow others to enter your life when the opportunity arises. In other words, the need for communication and the high brought by the connection, is almost like falling in love, which sometimes happens with twin souls and can end well, or destroy the purpose of the union. Balanced partners do not necessarily enter your life for romance, so please do not get caught up in the romantic fantasy, which is rarely the case. Balance is the name of the game. Romance often complicates matters and the reasons for the friendship, which can become lost in the emotional games of both partners. You can have more than one balanced partner at a time as no one has all of your answers. Everyone is on their unique journey and along the way we encounter each other, if only to share information. You can meet more than one partner, and generally do. They can be another aspect of your soul experiencing in the physical at the same time but in another body. They can help you work on your issues as they are there to guide and enhance your experience in a positive way. But if your twin soul is emotionally unstable - you may not be able to balance them - and may have to move on as trying to balance that person creates imbalance for you in areas that were once stable. These intense relationships can also be dangerous due to the intensity of the connection and derail you from moving forward on your journey. Balanced partners are there for growth and fun not to create greater imbalance in your life. The remote journeys and meditations you share can be the most memorable travels of your lifetime - if only in consciousness. These extraordinary relationships are often vehicles that lead one or both partners to other people to enhance their growth. This can create a 'spider-web effect' as we are all linked. Don't allow ego or petty jealousies to stand in your way. Please remember that the function of the Balanced partner is to create balance and understanding for both of you. Make it fun and uncomplicated or it will end and you will miss whatever opportunity for growth your souls have created. Messengers and Messages In the twenty-first century, the messages brought by our souls, come quickly - mainly in dreams and synchronicities that make us aware that we are more than physical beings as we try to figure out the matrix of life that we experience very day. Messengers can come from anywhere, any realm of experience, generally experienced for a 'moment', messages received, then the messenger moves on. They be someone you meet, a signpost along the road, something your soul guides you to pay attention to, such as something written on a billboard, the license plate of the car in front of you, something you see in a film, on TV, read in a book, words in a song, a famous saying or quotation, something overheard in conversation by two other people, in a dream sequence or meditation, just about anything, anywhere. Perhaps you have seen or heard a particular message in the past, but now that your frequency of awareness rapidly evolving, the information speaks to you with a different connotation. Messages cannot be received until the listener is paying attention and is on the right frequency. It is most important to recognize these messengers and messages when they appear. If you miss the message, or the messenger, your soul will most likely replay the message in another way until you 'get it', so please be sure to check your 'text messages' and those that come form other sources. There are many books written on twin souls that you can find on amazon.com. Also for those interested in a fascinating book written by a Psychiatrist and the treatment of his patient Catherine, Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss is a fascinating read. Suspend disbelief if you are skeptical. I was once a skeptic until I experienced the intensity of this phenomenon in two powerful relationships, one that lasted twelve years. Both people are no longer in my life;however, the metaphysical phenomenon challenged my scientific mind and altered my spiritual path and life perspective. A new awareness and portal opened for me and I continue to meet other partners that enhance my life in extraordinary ways. I feel blessed to have known the twin souls in my life and look forward to the powerful synchronistic relationships I will meet now and in the future as destiny plays its hand.

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Anonymous Guest

debbie collier 01 May 2008

Excellent work!!!

annette steens 01 May 2008

LOVE your words and image Julie!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 01 May 2008

Fantastic image, Julie!!! Splendid colours, too! and your text... you must publish your wonderful texts!!!

John Enright 01 May 2008

an amazing narrative to accompany such a vibrant image.

Christine brand 01 May 2008

What an Excellent phto and beliefs, I feel those things too sometimes and cherish each soul as I know them, no matter where they are in the journey. Well, at least I try! God be with you as you wind the road of eternity. Lots of Love CB