• Kwabena Poku
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  • Image 36 of 263
  • Added 20 Apr 2008
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A soldier's goodbye

I was seeing off a friend one day at the train station in the North of Paris when I saw a young soldier and his companion kissing. They held each other tightly for the whole period of 15 minutes while I was there. As as the whistle blew for the train to leave, the soldier quickly boarded the train while his companion was waving energetically by the door. As the train pulled away she started trotting and then running as the train gathered speed and soon she stooped but still waved frantically. I turned to go while she kept on waving. At that time she had stopped running. Perharps, she realized it was an exrecise in futility. The last time she may see him? God forbid. I wondered where the soldier was heading, Iraq? Afhganistan? by train? This image was so engrained in my mind I had to get it out somehow! And this is the result.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Pat Goltz 20 Apr 2008

Beautiful representation! I am with you on your thoughts.