• Terry Harris
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  • Image 18 of 450
  • Added 19 Apr 2008
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Sweet Bonnie

This is Bonnie, a very smart, sweet dog that belongs to my brother in-law & his wife. She is such a lovely dog and wonderful personality. She makes a wonderful subject, always ready to have fun, run, or come get petted. She loves traveling in the car as well. I am going to have to get one of these beautiful dogs as I keep borrowing then from family members. LOL! I digitally painted this using an electronic drawing tablet (Wacom tablet( & it's wireless stylus pen-not a computer mouse. It hooks up to the computer, I use art software, Corel's Painter X, to draw, paint, select colors, mediums to mimic, textures, blends of paints, as I would with a real canvas. This is not a photo manipulation or the results of an auto convert to artistic effect work. It took hours, days to complete. In the close up you can see all the brush strokes & blends of the palette paints I used. It was a joy to work on.

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Anonymous Guest

Corr Hokanson 21 Jun 2023

Very good. I like the details. Hope I get as good as you someday.

Hui Zhu 21 Apr 2008

Wow...this is cool...Great painting !!! O.oP

Artist Reply: Thank you Hui! I love playing with the fur & shades of color. Even got to sneak in purple, a favorite color of mine.

Blue Doll 20 Apr 2008

I am perplex.. what you make girl... very very well done :o)

Artist Reply: Thank you Blue Doll! LOL! It takes a bit of time to do some of these, like this one with all the fur & colors in it. Still, I like a challenge.

Stanley Layman 19 Apr 2008

Noble dog, great work!

Artist Reply: Thank you Stanley! Dogs like this are noble & would guard your life if needed. Unlike of of my former pets, Nieve- a Siberian Husky, he'd greet some one or run to hide instead of proctecting me. Huskeys are quite know as not a breed to be a watch dog. I loved him anyway, he passed away a few months ago. I will miss him.

debbie collier 19 Apr 2008

Beautifully done!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Debbie! I will have to do more dogs, maybe a series of dog breeds in the future, as well as cats. Just need to get out and find some more to take stock photos of.