• BySilent
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  • Added 19 Feb 2008
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1945 - Owning the Air

One of the main reasons the Allies won WWII was as the “Arsenal of Democracy” it began to produce war machinery with an increased focus and purpose to defeat the Axis powers.

On September 11, 2001 we again suffered a surprise, but for some reason we have not focused on the task of removing the threat of the enemy from rearing its ugly head. We seem to be reprising the plan of the Johnson Administration to again have “guns and butter”. Unfortunately, history has shown it does not work. We again are not asking for the civilian population to give up on joy trips in our gas guzzling automobiles. We are not asking to lower the thermostat during the winter and raising it in the summer and other ways to conserve natural resources.

A portion of every dollar we spend at the gasoline pumps is funneled to those very same people with the mindsets that sent planes into the World Trade Center, or nerve gas in a Japanese subway, or a bomb in Spain, or bombs in countless other population centers. If you track the oil money, you will find that not all of the money goes to advancing the quality of life of the people in the Middle East and other oil producing countries. Much has been said about certain connections via the oil industry of the President of the United States and the family of the mastermind leader of the attack on the World Trade Center. Just an example of the F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) merchants ensuring some facts never come to light and when they do they get buried rather quickly.

Getting the American Economy disengaged from its addiction to fossil fuels will cut back our need for American blood to be spilled over who pumps the crude from the ground. It will save the biosphere from irreparable ecological damages. It will severely curtail the money flowing into terrorist hands. It is time again for the public to sacrifices that will diminish terrorism’s money flow, and thus avoiding devastation on the world at large. The troops on the ground are doing some fantastic sacrifices, but it is time for the civilian population to demand of themselves and their government that same unifying spirit that our grandparents and parents experienced right after December 7, 1941. With those sacrifices we were successful. We are now in our 7th year of the “War on Terrorism”, with no end in sight. Time to focus so our children and children’s children do not have to worry about the specter of fear by cowards in the night.

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