• John Swift
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  • Added 14 Jan 2008
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Mystery of the Doll

Mystery of the Doll

On an outing into the hinterlands of the Midwest last summer, in search of wild flowers and other flora and fauna to photograph, I came upon this scene.

After driving several miles from the city, I parked my vehicle off a gravel road, and hiked approximately six miles into a remote, heavily wooded area of the forest preserve. This was not a trash dump as the doll lay alone, with no other man-made artifacts in evidence.

The doll lay where it had apparently been abandoned, lost or discarded many years ago. The scene was surreal and frankly a little frightening as it was so unexpected and at first glance, I thought it to be a child.

The area of my find was a circular clearing in the woods, approximately one hundred feet in diameter. I thoroughly inspected the clearing but found no clues as to the origin of the doll or the reason for it's presence there.

I examined the doll as closely as possible, being careful not to disturb it, and took several photographs, from different angles. The encounter left me with a feeling of great sadness and wonder at the mystery of this lost or discarded doll.

The mystery will probably never be solved but after some thought, the following scenario as one possible explanation occurred to me.

The Doll

The biggest doll she'd ever seen,
almost as big as she.
A present from her Daddy
when she was only three.

He wrapped it in pretty paper
and laid it on her bed.
"Happy birthday Sarah.
I love you", her Daddy said.

"I hope you like your peasant,
he told her with a smile.
I ordered her from the catalog;
have had her for a while.

She's all yours now Sarah,
give her lot's of love and care.
Always keep her looking pretty
and comb and brush her hair.

Tomorrow, if it's sunny
you and I, and Mommy dear,
will take her on a picnic
so pray the weather’s clear."

Next day the sun was shining.
God answered Sarah's prayer.
The birds were singing cheerfully,
excitement in the air.

They packed a picnic basket
and loaded up the car.
Their picnic spot in the forest
was not so very far.

When they arrived, her mommy
laid out the picnic spread
while Sarah laid her dolly down
in a honeysuckle bed.

Suddenly, and without warning
the sun was blotted out,
thunder rumbled ominously
and lightening flashed about.

In an instant trees were falling,
black clouds rushed overhead.
The air filled up with rain and hail
which filled them all with dread.

Sarah heard her Daddy calling
"come now we must get out.
We have to make it to the car;
we'll take the shortest route".

They ran with angels guiding
their passage through the din,
and made it safely to the car
and drove back home again.

Sarah forgot to take her doll
when she ran to join her Dad.
Their only thought was leaving;
that's the only choice they had.

For days they searched the forest
With hope of finding the doll
to heal Sara's broken heart
and restore her pretty smile.

But they never found the doll
almost as big as she.
A present from her Daddy
when she was only three.

Copyright 2008 John Swift

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Tabitha Borges 09 May 2013

great dramatic work. it always very haunting when you find a doll laying around that way. great work

John Cappello 06 Oct 2012

This is a very detailed picture. Gruesomely clever Very Creative, Poetry1

Sharon Lee 25 Feb 2009

John, you make me cry. You are such a wonderful writer. I hope you plan to publish your works! Just wonderful!

AVE HURLEY 07 Oct 2008

When initially seeing the thumbnail, my heart nearly stopped~! I hesitated on opening the picture for further exam, and thought that maybe it was photoshopped so then I opened it and was relieved to see it was a doll... shocking but good photo.. perhaps would make a good cover for a murder novel...

judit dora 22 Jun 2008

This photo is spoooooooooooky, but I loved your poem. few years ago I published a book of poetry my self. "live and Love". Great photo.