• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 02 Jan 2008
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Alone ?

We are connected to life by a mutual biology. We are connected to the ground upon which we stand by a common chemistry. We are connected to the ever expanding universe by atoms. Everything is connected. Everything is fastened together in a deep eternal bond. Nothing stands apart or alone. Even if it may appear so at times. The deep reality is that we are all brother Sun and sister Moon. All the atoms of our bodies were forged in some long ago forgotten atomic furnace of some former star that exploded and spilled forth our celestial birthrights. Together we have traveled many, many miles and many,many years to find ourselves here sharing this brief and fleeting moment. So as I peer into the night sky and behold the countless bright stars in countless other galaxies I come to intuitively know, admire and appreciate my extraordinary heritage. The shared munificent and generous gift of the Cosmos, a gift from the Creator Spirit, that is given freely to the largest of the large and to the smallest of the small. It is this remarkable legacy that we travel together and we are not alone. visionary imagist "Joey"


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joe valcourt 06 Mar 2016

Stark beauty

shenur masters 23 Dec 2011

Beautiful work!!!

Gabrielle Stahlie 07 Jan 2008

Joey, to know and realise how all and everything is connected can give a deep feeling of peace. Only by looking at the cosmos we must understand that we are not alone in space. We are small reflections of a divine power that is beyond our understanding.

L.A. Spilsbury 07 Jan 2008

person feels so isolated but then so connected when you read the story-wonderful work as always

Artist Reply: L.A. : i await your new works. Thanks for stopping into my little world and sharing with me Take care my friend.
Artist Reply: L.A. : what a wonderful treat treat it is to share art and words with other fine artists such as yourself. thank you.

Ginger Lovellette 06 Jan 2008

You are a true "visionary" artist! This is awesome!

Artist Reply: Ginger: thank you taking the time to stop and comment on my oil painting. thank you . stop back again.
Artist Reply: Ginger: thank you very much for your continuing support of my oil paintings.

Tahnja Wolter 04 Jan 2008

I just about fell out of my seat as I read your words. I have been pondering those exact words myself of late and am deeply moved that the Lord has reiterated my thoughts through you my dear, dear friend and brother in Christ. Peace has found me once again and I feel strong and close to God. Thank you, always and forever

Artist Reply: Tahnja: thank you. as always i appreciate your loving and kind words. i look forward to sharing art and letters with you in the upcoming year take care. God bless and keep you always.

Jean Hurlock 04 Jan 2008

Alone? no, not alone, but joined by a thousand unseen ties. Great painting.

Artist Reply: Jean: what an insightful and profound comment. thank you for taking the time to share with me. stop back again

Barry Huyett 04 Jan 2008

WOW! ......love the little man on the edge of nowhere holding everything together in his mIND!

Artist Reply: Barry; thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Kathie Nichols 04 Jan 2008

"We are made of the same stuff that stars are made of"........ amazing! Fabulous art!!!

Artist Reply: Kathie; thanks for stopping by and sharing with me. it is always appreciated.

Ben DeBiase 03 Jan 2008

wow this really is visionary-this really actually reminds me of the infintesimal nature of our physical bodies in relation to the universe-there is an overwhelming sense of vastness you have portrayed here...i love this

Artist Reply: Ben; i do appreciate your remarks and value your artwork as well. stop back anytime. again thank you.

Martha Cable 03 Jan 2008

I love your work and your posts that go with every one of your pieces.....

Artist Reply: Martha; thanks for your stopping by my little oil painting and sharing with me. stop back anytime. again thank you.

Cindy Lemoi 03 Jan 2008

Love this. Great angle, like the touch of red you added with the planet. Just a great painting !

Artist Reply: Cindy: Thanks for sharing with me. i always appreciate you doing so.

Chris Roukema 03 Jan 2008

Joey: Your Work is Beyond Awesome! Everything is connected for sure! I can Certainly relate to Your Magnificent Painting and True Words!

Artist Reply: Chris; I always appreciate your insightful words and love your art as well. take care my friend.

Steve Farr 03 Jan 2008

Very COOL!!! ~S

Artist Reply: Steve; i do enjoy painting with my oils. thanks my friend for commenting.

Tabitha Borges 03 Jan 2008

yes I agree the world and space is so small connect and we all very small reaching out to all....great art

Artist Reply: Tabitha; Thank you for your continuing support for my oil paintings. thanks again

Maria Murphy 03 Jan 2008

This is OUTSTANDING!! all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Maria; I look forward to sharing with you in the upcoming year. thank you for your kind remarks.

Nira Dabush 03 Jan 2008

In so many ways your post is so insightful with my thoughts, Joey...In more ways that I can explain...And I'll add I saw it many times with more artists, and other people. Sometimes even if we're not alone..we feel alone, I believe that everyone met that feeling...I very much agree - "Everything is connected. " Powerful and most UNIQUE Composition...Your artwork describe so well your title, in such fine way.

Artist Reply: Nira; I really appreciated your comments. they are so thoughtful and filled with insight and wisdom. thank you again.

Jean M. Laffitau 03 Jan 2008

Sensational piece of art!! Very strong and emotional!!

Artist Reply: Jean: I look forward to seeing your new works in the upcoming year. thanks for your comments.

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 03 Jan 2008

You've done it again VI.... Wonderful message and beautifully painted

Artist Reply: Ann: Thank you for your kind remarks. i do so appreciate you stopping by and commenting on my oils.

John Fish 03 Jan 2008

I like the different angles. It is as if gravity is pulling from someplace other than the land he is standing on. The red planet really creates mystery and suspense-a feeling of change. Very dynamic, wonderful message for the beginning of a year and , as always, beautifully painted.

Artist Reply: John; i do enjoy painting space themes. they are so freeing for me to do. I also appreciate your words and your art too.

Jamie Nice 03 Jan 2008

WOW! Its been a while since I've seen a post from you Joey. This is spectacular, so very creative.

Artist Reply: Thanks for stopping into my little gallery and sharing your remarks with me.
Artist Reply: Jamie; i do enjoy painting with my oils. i am glad that you liked my little oil painting stop back anytime.

Brigitte Hintner 03 Jan 2008

Wow, this is so beautifully done in every way , Joey !!!! I truly admire your talent , imagination and your open spirit !!! Top Notch as always !!!

Artist Reply: Brigitte; Thank you for your kind remarks. i really appreciate your words and admire your art too. thanks my friend.

Alberto D'Assumpcao 03 Jan 2008

Fascinating work again, Joey!!! Perfectly rendered!

Artist Reply: Alberto; thanks for your continuing support of my oils. Always appreciated by me.