• S Stone
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  • Added 30 Nov 2003
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A Day At the Park

This is Fanart technically. The dude is Jono (Marvel) and the elfy chick is mine. Was drawn in pencil then scanned in and colored with Photoshop.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 18 Feb 2004

Dear person afraid to leave their name: Her hand isn't messed up, the char only has 3 fingers and a thumb. Sorry You don't like the rest of it. Please work on your critiquing style it also needs work.

Anonymous Guest 18 Feb 2004

Whoa does that chick look manly (aside from the grossly over-sized breasts that is). Broad shoulders, strong jawline, beady eyes... Not something I'd wanna touch with a ten-foot pole. Her hand is seriously messed up as well. The shading is okay. The cheap trick you pulled with the background cheapens the picture though. Not only did you steal a photo, but it is a low-quality photo! Dunno if that was intentional but it detracts from the picture. Not to mention it is inconsistant with the lighting/shading on your characters. If the sun was in the bg like that then they'd be darker if not completely in shadow. Couldn't you figure that out from the trees and details in the picture? Using at photo bg can be tasteful but in his case it just adds to the unappealing style and setting of the picture. I've seen worse though. And other than the background light issues, you have managed to do a nice highlighting job. And your lines are very clean.