• Terry Harris
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  • Added 16 Nov 2007
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Pumkin Patch Visitor

On a recent visit to a local pumpkin patch with my Gitrl Scout troop, we spotted a visitor climbing up and over the hay bale. In the Autumn these are spotted on the road, and about as the male tarantulas that are 10 years or older go on a hunt for a mate. One popped into the open door at the store my brother works, he had to catch it in a cup to take outside. I've seen about a hundred of these in the last month. An interesting Autumn capture I'd thought I share with you. In the close up shot, I added another phot of the same spider.

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Karen Cash 18 Nov 2007

yikes!!!! You wouldn't catch me within 10 miles of THAT pumpkin patch!!...lol Where is this? Great shot though...lol

Artist Reply: LOL! Thanks Karen! It's in Cathy's Valley in Mariposa, Ca. They aren't usually out and about, but it's mating season. Otherwise, we never see them.

Blue Doll 18 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: LOL! Thanks Blue Doll! THere's a base in California my husband used to have to go on trips to, Camp ROberts. It had thousands of these on base at this time of year.

Michael Forbus 17 Nov 2007

Excellent macro on this Tarantula. Great shot. Love the close image to see all the details, cause that is the only way I am getting close. Great work. Michael

Artist Reply: LOL! They are not so deadly, they are supposed to make great pets. They are usually gentle and leave people alone. I must be odd, I think they're beautiful and graceful. When they move it's got a kind of dance to their walk.

Joke Schotting 16 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks Joke! I'm glad I've got a nice zoom lens now. It helps me get the shots like this without getting too close to disturb it.

John Swift 16 Nov 2007

Excellent close-up of one of my most hated creatures!

Artist Reply: Thanks John! Spiders fasignate me, some are so beautiful. I've seen a nice variety. There are a few that scare me because of the venon. I hate recluse spiders, but do find them. The black widow is shy and the deep satin black beautiful Garden spiders great to have in your garden. When I lived in England there was a harmless species that was like a large daddy-long legs we had in our new home. It creeped us out as it hopped at you. Not good to find after just seeing the movie"Archnaphobia". One startled my daughter on the toilet and she hopped out of the room screaming. I went to brave get it, and it kept jumping . I coudn't predict it, so it scared me. Once we learned it was harmless, not so scary. I use to find a Camel aka Sun spider iaround the home in Arizona. My husband found on, put it in a jar with a scorpion he found. It killed the scorpion, seems it's part of its favorite foods.