• David Jaarveth
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  • Added 15 Nov 2007
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Eat of Me for I am Eternal

I Was met by an Unknown being of Light that I could not see yet I could sense more as a feeling that someone was with me. He spoke and told me of a Hand posture ( a Mudra) I was given by one of them long ago. I learned it was called the "Cup of Life" and it was a blessing to the Earth long ago but as of now forgotten by all. I was very excited and he said I had the privilege in knowing it and now I only had to earn the right to carry it back to earth with me. I had a feeling this was going to be a difficult task but had no idea what I was in for. He said "You have to remain firm! and be held not by fear nor any other emotion outside of the Divine Love I am Giving you. Offer 'The Cup' to the beings you will meet in there that are of an insatiable kind. They have been starving and harvest the human race. They will gather and much will be upon you. DO NOT BE AFRAID FOR I AM WITH YOU! IF YOU SHOULD BECOME FEARFUL, THINK ONLY OF THE LIGHT IN YOUR HEART AND OFFER THEM MORE OF IT. THEY WILL CONSUME LIKE NONE YOU HAVE EVER WITNESSED. IF BY FEAR YOU ARE HELD...THE LIGHT WILL GO OUT AND YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE WITH THEM AND THEY WILL DEVOUR YOU! WILL YOU GO IN THE NAME OFF ALL THAT IS?" "I Will".... I found myself in the darkest place I have ever seen. endless darkness in all directions .... A light from my chest shined like the SUN and was the only source of light and it seemed not only to be my guide, but a beacon so THEY could find me. I peered out and saw something moving, it was squid-like. "Oh Shit a Giant Squid???" feeling myself nearly gripped with deep fear I recalled the words given to me and focused on divine compassion that was not mine. I had none. I became calm.... IT..They....saw me and moved toward me. the one that came first, closest to me, it's face in my face. I knew it's thoughts and it knew mine I was certain. My thoughts formed as audible words that rang out into an eternally silent void. "I am here to share with you The divine light from the Cup Of Life!" Suddenly, what seemed like pulsing luminous vein-like structures formed a sphere around me only a few feet away from my sense of being. I was almost overcome by fear yet again ...in fact the situation demanded fear the beings demanded fear, I could feel it deep within my entire being, it was almost as if I was submerged in fear itself like a living force, fear made conscious, as if fear was itself a living being, here in this place.. . The eyes of the being peered into me deeply, penetrating my core,cutting into me like a surgeon seeking a hidden cancer, searching for the faintest glimmer of dread. Gazing at me like a predator assessing it's prey. "I have none!" My voice echoed..and more of "Them" moved in surrounding me as if I were a rarity, a fabled beast, a wonder. I was again tempted to fear Normally I would have been dying of fright as any man would in this situation, alone in the void..deep in the abyss with beings unknowable seeming to desire my soul energy as a food source. I knew..they knew.... "Come, Eat of me for I am eternal!" more of them gathered I was surrounded by various types of gargantuan entities that only somewhat resembled self-luminescent deep sea creatures. I gazed back into the eyes of the one that was closest, the one who arrived first. I found pity on them all through him, his eyes seemed to reveal a hidden nature that no man had yet dared to see. I I stretched out my hand and pet him as one pets thier dog or cat..child even. His skin texture alone would have normally sent me or anyone into a state of hyper-panic and incomprehensible fear. The divine light in my chest began to grow and Still more creatures came to see, to feed.. faster and closer still. "As I alone come to you without fear nor dread I ask you to let go of your hold on our Multiverse.Seek no longer the quick sustenance from farmed emotional states that you have influenced upon us all!". "YOU ARE IN ERROR!" "IF I ALONE CAN FEED YOU, THE MASSES WITH ENDLESS HUNGER, THEN LET RELEASE US AND ALLOW OUR CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE SOURCE TO FLOW UNHINDERED ONCE MORE!" ~as it was then it shall be again... More and more came I was again tempted to fear.. "COME! EAT OF ME FOR I AM ETERNAL, KNOW THE END OF ALL STARVATION AND FREE US, I COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OFF ALL LIVING THINGS, WE AS A WHOLE CAN HEAL ONE ANOTHER, LET THE MULTIVERSE BE FREE!". "COME AND BE SATIATED" more camE in numbers unfathomable. I stood firm thinking only of the divine light, For I knew that if I should falter an unimaginable death would take me, alone, here in the deepest darkness. Finally after what seemed like forever, the light brought me out and I found myself at home waking peacefully to the sounds of my wife breathing and the kids watching television. With the sun from the window warm on my face I recalled the cup of life. No one, not one will receive it!


Anonymous Guest

annette steens 22 Nov 2007

I Am too really happy for you David!

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 17 Nov 2007

I am so happy for you David.

Tina Diemer 16 Nov 2007

Wow, David….I agree with the others. This is a true soul transformation. You have been given a great gift, the chalice. It has helped you find YOUR light within. May your cup runneth over for all the days that you walk upon this earth and for life eternal. As you now move forward….may you be a shinning light, a living example, for others.

Artist Reply: Thank you Tina I am working on a PDF to share the Method for using the Cup That I have brought back to share with others openly. I want everyone to use it . I hope it begins the healing we have all been waiting for

Anonymous Guest 16 Nov 2007

Brilliant portrayal in digital of a spiritual transformation David. The text is a must read for anyone on AW who desires to move forwards on the spiral of incarnations. I regret to say few will take heed of the light you have kindled, preferring to polish the lamp of the ego, than the seed/word of transformation. Many in the world however WILL receive the chalice you have offered them gratefully in the next 40 years as new OLD souls return to clean up the planet of greed and decay. Walking like Christ did on his sea, and you on YOUR Sea have swept away lifetimes of reincarnating on planet earth. Your courage surpasses the Knights of the Round Table David. Your soulscape portrait now looks like Blake's picture of 1794 "Glad Day". EL....... Father RA

Artist Reply: Thank you Father RA. I am glad I made it back with the Method. I am hoping very much that others wil apply the teaching. May it not be wasted in vanity.

Leah Jaarveth 15 Nov 2007

Ghostly and awesome.....frighteningly beautiful....amazing composition my love...may the light of peace and love be with you on all of your journeys...

Artist Reply: Thank you Babe. I am glad to have returned to the sound of your breath. It was a feeling of returning home after a long time away.