• Terry Harris
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  • Added 02 Nov 2007
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There were some wonderful surprises in the new home we moved in. Seems it comes with a dozen deer or more. Some of them are quite tame and will follow my car up the drive, hoping for some carrots. My first week here, I was alone while my husband was busy moving our things from out of state. Imagine my surprise when a doe and her twin fawn peeped in the window at me. These three sleep in the yard, and watch me. If they hear me in the kitchen chopping anything, they think it's for them. While they don't eat out of my hands, they will come within a few feet to eat. Perks of living up in the mountains and having lots of woods around you. Hope you don't mind deer photos and paintings; they are going to be in quite a few of my works posted. This is a digital painting, not a photo manipulation or software auto transfer to art effect. I used my Wacom tablet & pen with Corel's Painter X to paint this work. More deer to come...


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Marika Antal 10 May 2008

wow!! how sweet!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Marika! I will miss the deer that loved to come visit me, as I have moved into our new hour. So far, I've not spotted any deer, but hope to. Spotted rattlesnakes, & some wild pigs. Somehow, they're not the same. LOL! Still, deer are all over out here, & I've large stock photos I took for future uses for more deer paintings.

Blue Doll 06 Nov 2007

This is so beautyfull...... mennnnnn your a great ertist !!!! :o)

Artist Reply: Thanks Blue Doll! I am learning more each painting or schetch that I do. I am studying books and self teaching myself to work with real mediums I haven't used before as well. It is helping me with the art software, and visa versa.

Jerry 05 Nov 2007

Lovely or great picture and style!

Artist Reply: Thaks Jerry, less details, but I liked the way the brush strokes were more traditional in style for this one.

Julia Scorupsky 02 Nov 2007

Wonderful! What a lovely creature! Congratulations with your new place, looks like a paradise!

Artist Reply: Thanks Julia! We're renting a place until we find a home to buy. We've a house to build out of stae that may take a couple of years to finish, but I love the perks of this home. It is a paradise for the eyes.

debbie collier 02 Nov 2007

beautiful work!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Debbie! The deer are so stunning to watch, such beautiful animals.

Shannon Slaydon 02 Nov 2007

Very beautiful!

Artist Reply: Thank you Shannon! I'll have more animals, up soon.

walt larsen 02 Nov 2007

beautiful computer graphic work here

Artist Reply: Thanks Walt. The grasses took forever to do, blending all the colors. I added color layers quite a few times to get thses mixes.

thea walstra 02 Nov 2007

Sweet and very beautiful work Terry. The painterly effect is excellent!

Artist Reply: Thanks Thea! I'm experimenting with brushes and mediums again and enjoying using these brush storkes.

Jean M. Laffitau 02 Nov 2007

Beautiful done!

Artist Reply: Thanks Jean! I'm so glad you liked this painting.

John Swift 02 Nov 2007

Beautiful, Terry! I look forward to more deer and wildlife images!

Artist Reply: Thanks John! I'll sort through the photos and try to post some up this week-end. Got some great turkey captures as well. I will be doing some Noveber paintings of the turkeys for the holidays. They have some lovely metalic hue feathers if you get the sunlight on them. Bright like a hummingbirds irradescent like shimmers, I was surprized to see such beauty in these birds.

Anne Vis 02 Nov 2007

Lovely work, Terry!

Artist Reply: Thanks Anne! This one is a comical fawn that plays in the yard often. It is really curious and will peek into anything left outside. He'd look in bags and boxes we bring in, even peeked in my window a few times.

Lucia Stewart 02 Nov 2007

This is wonderful Terry! Well done!

Artist Reply: Thanks Lucia!!! Deer are one animal that no matter how many, or tame, will simple enchant me. It's been fun for me to watch this fawn change and grow this summer. His fur is darkening and the spots fading fast to be ready for winter.

Michael Forbus 02 Nov 2007

Terry, excellent painting. You have really mastered this. Just brilliant. Michael

Artist Reply: Thanks Miguel! I was studying a new brush to use, and blends of colors of golds, browns, greens, purples t get the grasses and shading of the trees. I ususally like more detailes, smooth brushes, so challenged myself to used a more textured one this time. LOL! Glad I did. I can't build skills if I just use the same old styles and techniques- even if they do work great. I've more deer works , and some turkeys to do. We get invaded by several flocks of wild turkeys everyday. They block my car in the driveway at times, there are over 30 in the yard.

Emily Reed 02 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks Emily so much!!! I haven't done too many animals yet, but am working to fix that. THe deer have been visiting me daily and I'm building up tons of photo references and photos to post of them. They are such funny charachters, each with a personality. This one loves to swirl carrots around and bounce around the yard in play. Luckly, it doesn't mind my laughing.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 02 Nov 2007

adorable and beautiful!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Nelly! I am enchanted with deer, and blessed to have them so patient for me to study them with my camera. This is helping me learn how they move and pose so I can paint them well. Some people relax with coffee or wine in the morning or eveing, I've got carrots and deer in my front yard to feed.