• Monique Gamache Cooper
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  • Added 28 Oct 2007
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...And now .. the Happy ending...

...The day after Vixen passed I sent my boys out to warn all the other families that had gotten puppies from this family .. I didn't want them to lose their dogs too!When my oldest son returned he was really upset and i asked him what was wrong.. he told me on of his freinds was moving and couldn't keep their puppy so they were having to send her to the post pound!!.. I knew that if that puppy went to the post pound she would be put to sleep... they don't keep them but 3 days...Reluctently and still heart broken i agreed to take the puppy.. not sure i could stand another puppy so soon.. but i had no choice.. so i got to bleaching out my house and making sure no parvo was left.. and then a day later i sent for the "almost homeless" puppy..My son brought her in the house... and the first thing she did was go Belly up... just like her sister!!..i know you can't tell but she has the same markings as her sister Vixen did.. but her's are black instead of cream.. she acted just like my Vixen did.. in almost every way.. with a few quirks of her own....So we named her Vixy.... a few weeks later she showed signs of parvo to.. but luckely we found a vet to help her.. it was touch and go for a few weeks.. but my Vixy survived!!.. i know that Vixen sent her to us!.. we both, Vixy and i needed each other!.. We are all now...buckshot, vixy and the rest of the Pack. very happy and all puppies are healthy and fat!!!.. LOLOL

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Sharon Lee 27 Nov 2008

How very sweet! I know that God answers our prayers and sends Angels in many different forms. Looks like you have a new Angel to love and to love you back!

Ann Howard 08 May 2008

Hi Monique, What a great shot of Vixy and what a touching story you have for us. I am a dog lover too and always love to hear that they end up in good hands :) Good job!!

julie Marks 30 Nov 2007

A poignant and very touching story. It is so wonderful to hear the happy endings given the cruelty of breeders, puppy mills and insensitive people who think our animal companions are "just dogs." I have lived and loved dogs since childhood rescuing those who would be put to sleep like adorable vixi. I am so touched by people who have the generous heart that you do to respect and love and most devoted friends. I have an red and white Irish Setter Molly and orange belton English Setter, Mikey who is a therapy dog. Reading my story on his work at Children's hosptial demonstrates how important our animals are as part of our family giving more to us and not asking much more than to be loved and cared for. This is a great shot of this alert and beautiful pup who would not have had a life without your intervention. The people who bred dogs with Parvo should be reported so they can not breed again since without these important shots, puppies are very vulnerable to Parvo. The bacteria is in the carpets, grass, concrete and everywhere they play without protection. These people need to be stopped so this tragedy is not repeated and thanks Monique for rescuing this wonderful treasure.

Cindy Luke 15 Nov 2007

Vixy is a beauty. So glad she pulled thru.

Steve Farr 09 Nov 2007

So glad this story indeed has a happy ending for you, my friend! Adorable!!!! ~S