• Kerra Lindsey
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  • Added 18 Sep 2007
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Frog Series Couple Congratulations Baby on the Way

Frog Series: Congratulations! Baby on the Way was created specifically for a 'Frog' card series. Please feel free to see my professional greeting card line: Icansketchu's Greeting Cards! Professional grade watercolor on Arches cold-pressed paper.


Anonymous Guest

Debbie Battrick 03 Nov 2007

So cute love it...Deb

Henk Van de Kaa 16 Oct 2007

Congratulations, wonderful image! Funny idea, great colors!

Hassan Pasha 20 Sep 2007

oh good lord i believeVon Ribbit just met his long lost brother orrrrrrr perhaps his son graduated from University of Pondwater, either way he seems so very happy so Congratulations to him indeed .. ahhhhh yet another adorable piece in your portfolio .. just another reason to keep coming back to your side

Alexandra Dvinitninova 20 Sep 2007

At least we dont have to worry about feeding them.

Artist Reply: Hi, Alexandra! ha ha ha--yes, not ANOTHER animal to feed and water--so true! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me feedback on this piece--I appreciate it! Hope your day goes great! -Kerra


Reminds me of my yoga class. Recently there were two girls in the class expecting so there was a lot of baby talk! Good work Kerra.

Artist Reply: Hi, Clive! I can just imagine the talk for sure. My girlfriend just found out she's expecting while I was creating this 'frog series', hence this image. It totally takes over eveything. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me feedback on this piece--I appreciate it! Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

Jerry 19 Sep 2007

Very cheerful and colorful!

Artist Reply: Hi, Jerry! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me feedback on this piece--I appreciate it! Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

Steve Farr 19 Sep 2007

Very nicely done, Kerra! Definitely thumbs up!!

Michael Forbus 19 Sep 2007

This series is really wonderful, frivolous and happy making and very clever. Excellent work. Michael

Maurizio Miele 19 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Hi, Maurizio! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me feedback on this piece--I appreciate it! Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

Alberto D'Assumpcao 19 Sep 2007

Splendid watercolor again, Kerra! Great series, my friend!

Artist Reply: Hi, Alberto! I just came back from a trip to your portfolio--and saw an 'old version' of your art--wow! I can see your progression throughout the years--how cool! You've really gotten a great handle on composition and color choices--love it! -Kerra

Kathie Nichols 18 Sep 2007

Cute as!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!

Artist Reply: Hi, Kathie! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me feedback on this 'froggie' card--I appreciate it! When I started on this series, my girlfriend told me she was pregnant so out came this version. :) Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

Seth Weaver 18 Sep 2007

Super cute Kerra!

Artist Reply: Hey, Seth! Thanks so much for all of your feedback--it's very helpful to me. I'm trying to gather up info on this little 'froggies' to get them ready for publishing, and finding out which version of them is more appealing takes the 'nail biting' out when approaching publishers. Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

mahesh konsam 18 Sep 2007

a lovely scene for the couples!!beautiful work!!

Artist Reply: Hi, Mahesh! Thanks so much for your feedback on this 'froggie' card. I do hope these go over well...I'm still in the 'fine tuning' stage which is why I love this site--it really helps to get other's perspectives on what works--and especially what doesn't!--before publishing to the public. Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

Joanna Jungjohann 18 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: :) Hey, Joanna! Thanks for stopping by to leave me feedback on this 'froggie' card--I appreciate it! :) Hope your day goes great! -Kerra

Lucia Stewart 18 Sep 2007

Aaaaw, so cute, love it!

Artist Reply: Hey, Lucia! I just got an email from Hassan Pasha and we were talking about your 'Stressie Cat' Series...how are you marketing him? Do you plan to make a book? It's so impressive the way you can put him anywhere effectively. I'd love to know! -Kerra

katja cuikova 18 Sep 2007

so cute! :)

Artist Reply: Hi, Katja! Thanks so much for all of your feedback--I really do appreciate it. I'm trying to narrow down which version of the 'froggies' viewers take most to. The more I do, the more I see them morphing into different 'frogs'. Hope your day goes great! -Kerra