American Flag From Iraq SQ

This Flag has traveled more miles then me. When school ended May 2007, my sister (Lynn) took the flag from the school, and sent it to me. I got the CO, to fly the flag for one day. The MP SQ, got together and signed the flag. I took a felt tip marker, and drew the head of the horse; the horse is a symbol, for this battalion. The flag was sent back home, for my sister to explain to the young kids in her class, the war we are fighting. The Flag is at Home. ~~~~Thanks KE, Serving In Iraq~~~ I serve, that is why I am here, for freedom, and my Country.


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Anonymous Guest 30 Oct 2007

Like everyone here, I wish for you safety, home soon, and happy. You've been there too long now.... Did I tell you that I have a nephew in Iraq? (Nephew-in-Law). My niece and he are having a baby - due date 1-23-08. That is same day of my birthday. I hope he too is safe. sending you love -KE jody

Anonymous Guest 01 Oct 2007

Just seeing this, renews my faith in the resolve of the people in and out of uniform serving in Iraq. There are alot more people that care than you think! Thanks, Brent

Anonymous Guest 18 Sep 2007

I like the story, Kathy

Anonymous Guest 18 Sep 2007

This is amazing Paul

Gabriele Swanson 18 Sep 2007

beautiful idea..stay safe

Anonymous Guest 17 Sep 2007

WOW speechless, Iraq, hope you are safe

Anonymous Guest 17 Sep 2007

This is an awesome story, hope you come home soon, Bob