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  • Added 17 Sep 2007
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Trapped in Time...inside out

I have struggled a lifetime trying to get rid of bad tapes, memories of my parents fighting and a cop who raped me when I was 19. I drank for 20 years after that and never remembered until I did a first step for recovery. Writing the incidents of what occurred while in my drinking... There it was as clear as that day. The cop and what he did to me and the flash of his gun in my head....because I wanted to kill him... but only for one second in my head I thought... he was not worth me going to prison for the rest of my life for that bastard, to be very honest about it. I am so glad that I did not react on my thought because I would not be here today. I still go to counseling because when I saw I could bury something as devastating as that for 20 years not remembering it at all....what else could have been stuck inside me.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 29 Aug 2021

Laura, I have been through a lot of trauma and pain, but cannot imagine the utter helplessness, fear and disgust you experienced by being raped by such a truly pig of a human being. It hurts me deeply to hear stories of when people do such brutal harm to one another, especially women and children. Your art is your freedom. I hope that our work together also adds in some way to your relief. Scott Riley

John Cappello 19 Apr 2012

Truly Neat Magical Effects

Maria Murphy 18 Sep 2007

When people we trust and look up to ,do these things its unforgiveable.That person should have protected you ,not hurt you.(There are good cops out there too.) You are very brave for sharing your story,Your honesty show in your work.Sending you loads of Angels.Amazing artist.

Artist Reply: Yes Maria, Parents should inspire their children. And if people do not get along, Why do they stay in those relationships? Why would they continue for years? My mother stayed with my father to raise the children, although they never got along. Each one of my siblings and I still suffer in some way as adults. Communication is the key to all relationships. I always try to inspire children to reach their goals with kind words and knowlege.

Joanna Jungjohann 18 Sep 2007

oh my god, good for you and more power daily to you as well, I see you are a brilliant artist, put your pain in your work, get it out use your art to set you free, I pray you have peace one day soon if not now, blessings, jo

Artist Reply: My work does set me free to be me. I pray one day peace will come in such a joyous way. to feel the laughter in each day. Thank you for your inspiration.

Kathie Nichols 17 Sep 2007

Bravo Laura! You have much courage!

Artist Reply: Thank you, I will always be strong no matter what life puts in front of me.

Lawrence Hickman 17 Sep 2007

great piece of work fantastically done awsome job