• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 13 Sep 2007
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"The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao". So starts the first line of the Tao Te Ching. I have pondered that line many times. It has become a beacon for me when I try to comprehend the the incomprehensible. Attempting to understand the infinite is like a dog chasing it's tail. A never ending task, an illusion married to a futility. The ancient shamans knew that in knowing that you do not know, will make you wise. These learned sages never ask the question "Why". Why can never be fully answered. These true men of old did not lust for life and they did not fear death. Wealth, riches and possessions were not gains in their eyes. And fame was the beginning of disgrace. Such was their knowledge and their way of life. They did not rely on others and did not pride themselves for going it alone. They did not struggle to gain great wealth nor did they make poverty a virtue. They were unseen by most of society. Humanity can be blind. So, they were passed by as if they were "nothing" or invisible. Society will say "What value can there be in "nothing"? Well, I say look at a window. A window is "nothing" but a hole in the wall. Yet, that hole, that "nothing" is the reason the whole room is filled with brilliant sunlight. These wise old men lived in harmony. They lived in balance. They knew that "nothing" was "No Thing" and that "No Thing" was the Tao. visionary imagist "Joey"


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Julie Mayser 05 Mar 2008

Outstanding work! Wise words in the text....

Renata Cavanaugh 15 Sep 2007

I like how you made him blend into the land. Excellent work Joey

Artist Reply: Renata: Thank you for noticing my art. I am always happy to see your your name upon my screen. Thank you again!!

merle cruser 15 Sep 2007

This is just wonderful! You give us so much Joey, so much to think about and this painting is so beautifu. You have the talent of art with a blessing of you words. The two together make for a wonderous brain infusion.

Artist Reply: Merle: it is balance that I seek. I don't always manage to accomplish that but I do try. Thanks for the wonderful comments and friendship.

Cindy Lemoi 14 Sep 2007

Joey, I am always amazed by your insight and talent with your paint brush. Fantastic work my friend !

Artist Reply: Cindy: I am also amazed by your wonderful abilities and talents as well. Thank you for sharing with me!

bianca 14 Sep 2007

its pleasure looking at this beautiful artistic talent...fantastic work

Artist Reply: Bianca: Your talented insights are deeply respected by me and I do so look forward to seeing your name appear on my screen. Thanks for stopping into my little "cyber" gallery.
Artist Reply: Bianca: Thank you again for sharing with me. Your insights are looked forward to by me. Again thank you!!

Maria Murphy 14 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Maria: Gran and my father are looking down and smiling at us as I write these words. I know that they wish us to be the best artists that we can be and to not worry. Your words and friendship are a blessing for this old soul. Thank you for taking time to share with me your words of encouragement.

Alberto D'Assumpcao 14 Sep 2007

Fantastic composition, Joey! Love that particular!!! Thanks for that wonderful text too, my friend!

Artist Reply: Alberto: I am happily amazed when I finish a work and I feel that in some small measure I have contributed to the world. Your sharing your input does bring a smile upon my heart and helps this humble artist to continue down the "path less traveled". Again thanks!!

Anneke Hut 14 Sep 2007

In this presence of 'time is money', it's difficult to have no desires or questions, sometimes it seems it's in our genes to have them. When we are modest our desires will decrease and we will become more, satisfaction is wealth. When we have no questions, answers will not bother us, happiness in the heart is the most beautiful jewel one can wear. We are three and one in all in the quiet world of the never ending source, there is enough for everyone. And when we all know and feel this, why is it so difficult to live by it? :)

Artist Reply: Anneke: Your precious words are music to my heart. I feel the exact same way as you described in your beautiful comment to me. Your words of encouragement make my humble efforts worth while. I do so appreciate your sharing and I value our friendship and your opinions. Again thank you!!