• Mark Satchwill
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  • Added 10 Aug 2007
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Young Marie Antoinette

ACEO, 2.5 x 3.5 inches, watercolor and gouache, August 2007. Based on a portrait by Mytens. Marie Antoinette was born in 1755 in Vienna, the daughter of Francis I and Empress Maria Therese of Ausris. She was the youngest of eleven daughters, though they had 15 children in all. Antoinette was rather indulged by her Governeness and while she excelled at music and dancing, her education in other ares was lacking. Her Mother was a rather formidable woman and she was her Fathers favourite. However he died in 1765. Her elder sisters were married off to the Princes of Europe. Austria and France had been at war with each other several times over the previous century, and a treaty had been signed in 1748 with the aim of bringing peace between the countries. It was decided a daughter should be married to the French Dauphin to cement the treaty and the formal proposal for Marie Antoinette arrived in 1769. Early in 1770 she began the long journey to the French Court and Versailles. First she had had to go through a marriage ceremony with her brother representing the Dauphin, Louis Auguste, as she was not allowed to enter France as an Austrian Archduchess - she had to enter as the Dauphine. A month later she arrived at the French border. There she had to leave everything behind - her servants, her luggage, her friends. She was stripped of her Austrian clothing and placed in French clothing. After much negotiation she was allowed to keep her little dog. She was then taken on to her new life as the Dauphine. A few days later she arrived at Versailles where she was introduced to King Louis XV, her father in law, and her husband Louis Auguste, a shy young man of 15. On May 16 they were married in a lavish ceremony. Marie Antoinette was presented with beautiful jewels and a diamond encrusted fan. After the ceremony there was a dinner, where there was an audience eager to see their new Dauphine - her public life as the future Queen had begun.

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Rebecca Heaton 02 Mar 2010

your art is very impressive and beyond words gorgeous. the facial expressions and shading and colors are so perfected. looks so real. I love all the queen and oh my...just so beyond words!!!

Brooke Bowen 19 Mar 2008

Your watercolors are so impressive and I love that you have been providing historical background with all of your peices. This one in particular caught my eye because I knew at once who she was.

Laura Smith 12 Aug 2007

Perfection Mark! Loved the artist info as well. Great story and fantastic artwork to go with. Congrats!

Kukua Akumanyi 10 Aug 2007

I really, truely- love your work.. I love your fantastic discriptions for each image... Your a amazign artist!

jamie winter 10 Aug 2007

tiyr wirj us amazing and leaves me in awe Mark. your so talented. truely gifted