• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 30 Jul 2007
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The Oligarch

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! The pursuit of these goals twist, contorts and disfigures the very essence and being of the person who is doing the seeking. They are unaware of their disfigurement and cannot see it even when they look into a mirror. They are blinded by the very thing that they are pursuing. They are trying to reach the top of their ladder of success. They will allow nothing to keep them from reaching the top and will destroy all that get in their way. It is a very sad endeavor they are undertaking, trying to reach the top of the ladder of success, only to find out that they were on the wrong wall to begin with. visionary imagist "Joey"


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Artist Reply: Jennifer:Thanks for taking the tine to stop by my little oil and to comment. Thanks again.

L.A. Spilsbury 11 Dec 2007

yes ive met some of these people who had a good side but, greed takes over and, they do things that hurt others just for the sake of money

Artist Reply: L.A.: Money itself is neither bad or good. it is just a commodity to be employed and used prudently and judiciously. thanks again for your wise insights.

Julie Mayser 13 Oct 2007

Ahhhhhh! Text and painting say a lot!

Artist Reply: Julie: My little caricature was fun to paint. The accompanying text was also an interesting bit of time spent as well. Thanks for enjoying my little attempt.

annette steens 01 Oct 2007

GREAT words and GREAT PAINTING! Hope they will awake Joey!!

Artist Reply: Annette: My little attempt at illuminating the problems and issues we face is my way of participating in the solution. I am happy that you enjoy my words and my art. We think alike. Again thanks!

armi capalaran 28 Aug 2007

Looks like Mr. Weatherbee without glasses! heheh

Artist Reply: Armi: I am glad that a made you smile. This little piece was great fun to paint. Thanks for taking time to stop and comment. Don't forget to stop back anytime. Thanks!!

Vivianne Couture 02 Aug 2007

As have see it here, it do not have there that Pinocchio who have one very very long nose. Comme ont le vois bien ici, il n'y a pas que Pinocchio qui as un très très long nez.

Artist Reply: Vivianne: Je suis noveau ici, deux mois. Oui, Pinocchio, a un long nez mais il y a d'autres aussi. Arret encore, si vous plait. J'apprecie vos mots. Merci beaucoup!!

mauro barbosa 01 Aug 2007

Excelente trabajo, campeón! Excellent work, champion!

Artist Reply: Mauro: Gracias! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your words with me. Come back again! Thanks!!!

Janet Gioffre Harrington 01 Aug 2007

Love this style and the people you've recently posted. LOTS OF character!!

Artist Reply: Janet: It is always good to hear from you. Thanks for taking time out to share. Stop back!

Tahnja Wolter 01 Aug 2007

Fantastic my dear friend. So perfectly said and so brilliantly depicted. Yup, I'm convinced, you're a geniius, hehehehe

Artist Reply: Tahnja: Thanks for commenting. I just try to do my best and hope that i am up to the task at hand. Your words of encouragement help this humble artist to continue to travel the road less travelled. I always look forward to hearing from you and seeing your art. Blessings!!

Christine brand 01 Aug 2007


Artist Reply: Christine: Thanks for stopping by my little art gallery and sharing with me your words of encouragement. Please stop back anytime I do so appreciate your comments!! Again thanks!!

Joanna Jungjohann 31 Jul 2007


Artist Reply: Joanna: Thank you. Your words of encouragement help this humble artist to continue to travel his road less travelled. Stop back anytime!!

sandra carmo 31 Jul 2007

very good artwork! great technique and content. ;) and by the way, i aprecciate your comments! ~

Artist Reply: Sandro: I am glad that you enjoy my art and especially that you like my accompanying texts. Please continue to drop by my gallery in the future I do so appreciate your sharing!!

Atamjeet Singh Bawa 31 Jul 2007

good work!!! keep going!!!1

Artist Reply: Atamjeet: Thanks for stopping into my gallery. Thanks for the kind comments. Stop again.

Doris B. Lambling 31 Jul 2007

very well expressed!!!!!

Artist Reply: Doris: Thank you for stopping by my little art gallery and sharing. I do appreciate your words. Please do so again!! Thanks.

Ron Atkin 31 Jul 2007

As you say..they will find they are on the wrong path.

Artist Reply: Ron: Art is revelation. I am glad that you saw what I was attempting to reveal. Stop back again i enjoy our little chats.

Alberto D'Assumpcao 31 Jul 2007

Great work, Joey! Love the text too, my friend!

Artist Reply: Alberto: Kilometers dissolve when artists exchange their art. I am so glad that we have met and I am able to see your wonderful work. Stop back anytime and thanks for sharing with me!!

Gabrielle Stahlie 31 Jul 2007

This has also to do with a force in human nature, Only the strongest will survive an get it all. And the best of all. Competition is a strong element in this. In sport, in beauty contests etc. Some people can have the most money and still have not enough. There is no end at it. Sometimes it can be harmless and friendly but sometimes it can be ruthless to less gifted people.It is about, me,me, me...not about 'us'. The charm of this powerful painting for me is the association with the figure of the famous Pinocchio. The wooden doll who's nose grew when he was lying. Man cannot have it all without lying and loosing one's own integrity and principles. Is it all worth this, that I 'll ask.... You are born with nothing and you shall leave this world with nothing. That is for sure.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: Your insights into my art have brought a smile to my heart and rekindled my desire to always follow my bliss. I do so enjoy your words of encouragement and your stopping by my little gallery. i look forward to our next meeting and exchange of our art. May you always find happiness in all of your pursuits!

Timothy McAninch 30 Jul 2007

Positions of power can attract those least able to handle the power. I think it is important to recognise motivations for achievement. Driven by fear, or by Love.

Artist Reply: Timothy: Thanks again for dropping into my little gallery. I value your insights. Again thanks for the words of encouragement.

merle cruser 30 Jul 2007

You have depicted reality into art, truthfully, I love it! I think you nailed this one!

Artist Reply: Merle: Most of my art is a metaphor for some deeper meaning. I am glad that you recognize and appreciate my attempts. Thank you very much!!

Cindy Lemoi 30 Jul 2007

Wow ! Amazing Joey. You are so talented !!

Artist Reply: Cindy: Thank you for the nice comment. You are also very talented! Again thanks!

Denny Gholson 30 Jul 2007

Super Work Joey ! Great Nose Work !

Artist Reply: Denny: Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I always appreciate your insights!

Renata Cavanaugh 30 Jul 2007

This is awesome. The story and the painting. Great message! I love the sky....amazing

Artist Reply: Renata: A painting can say a lot without words. I try to do that with this little caricature.Thanks !!

Chris Roukema 30 Jul 2007

Most Excellent, Joey! So true!

Artist Reply: Chris: Some say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe this painting accomplishes that? thanks!!