• Carliss Mora
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  • Image 144 of 463
  • Added 21 Jul 2007
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Pam Grier

Luckily, Pam Grier enamored a boy, during the blaxploitation era, with her buxomness, and beautiful presence on screen. Nearly a memory in movie history, Pam Grier was more or less, brought back to the present day in film, because of a young boy's "love" for her. Quentin Tarantino was bound to be a movie director, and sometime actor, and when he became these things, he asked Pam to be the featured star in one of his very successful films, "Jackie Brown." It's a bloody, cruel film, but oh so good, good dialogue, and well put together. ***I wonder,am I the only person who found it hysterical, when Robert DeNiro's character shoots Brigitte Fonda's character to death on the parking lot because she wouldn't shut up??**** Anyway, Pam has come back to the forefront in the film industry, and I'm sure nowadays, she'll earn a hell of a lot more money than in the old days. I'm glad that she's back, she's great, and too bad some young guy didn't fall head over heals for me!! LOL!!!


Anonymous Guest

John Davis 26 May 2008

you and your pencils are awesome

Artist Reply: John, thanks for your wonderful comment!

Adan Hernandez 28 Mar 2008

beautiful technique! You captured her personality very well it seems!

Artist Reply: Adan, thank you! I hope I did.

Loren Carson 08 Nov 2007

I love this artist.

Artist Reply: Loren, thank you! She is a very fine talent!

Linn Österberg Larsson 16 Aug 2007

lovely one!

Artist Reply: Linn! I'm late, but I'm not never. Sorry for this reply that's so tardy! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for commenting!!!!

thea walstra 23 Jul 2007

Very good portrait art

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Thea!!

Kathie Nichols 23 Jul 2007

Such a wonderful talent you have.... this is really outstanding!

Artist Reply: Kathie, I thank you, and your comments are very appreciated!!

Anonymous Guest 22 Jul 2007

Wow, this lady is so beautiful. Love the hair, mouth and those eyes. Jackie

Artist Reply: Yes, Jackie, she's real easy on the eyes, isn't she? I'm so glad you like this drawing too. Thank you soooo much! :))

Ruth Kauffman 22 Jul 2007

Brilliant work, Carliss!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much for commenting, Ruthie!! I beginning to wish I had drawn her a long time ago. :D

v blair 22 Jul 2007

Beautiful work Carliss..she is so lovely!

Artist Reply: V, Thanks very much! I hoped you would like this one.

Katerina Koukiotis 22 Jul 2007

beautiful portrait!!!

Artist Reply: Katerina, thanks so much for the "beautiful"!! It means a great deal to me, that you like it.

Francis Rivera 22 Jul 2007

I love this! This is very nice and so perfect! Great job Carliss! ^_^

Artist Reply: Good! Francis, I had to erase, and erase, and pray the last try would be okay! Thanks for letting me know it is!!!

Ginger Lovellette 22 Jul 2007

Maybe my favorite! If not, then close to it. EXCELLENT!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the great compliment, and for commenting, Ginger! Really appreciate it!

Renata Cavanaugh 22 Jul 2007

Stunning portrait

Artist Reply: Hi Renata! I'm grateful to you. Thanks!!!

Mark Saxton 22 Jul 2007

Beautifull rendered.

Artist Reply: I appreciate your comment, Mark. Thanks so much!!

Joe Sweeney 22 Jul 2007


Artist Reply: Hi, Joe! Thank you!!

helen tyralik 22 Jul 2007

beautiful portrait,true likeness

Artist Reply: Why, thanks so much, Helen!!

Emily Reed 21 Jul 2007

Another beautiful portrait!

Artist Reply: Glad you like what I've done, Emily. Thanks so very much!!

Laurie Rawdon 21 Jul 2007

Wonderful job Carliss!! She is beautiful and you've captured her so well here. You are not alone in thinking that scene is a riot...it's one of my favorite scenes actually but then again I have a strange sense of humor after working in a police department all these years LOL

Artist Reply: Thank goodness my son and I are not the only ones! Lol! I thought, "What is wrong with us?" I can't really blame him(son) because he must have gotten that thinking from me! Hmm.. Police Dept. and Psych. History, PoliSci, CRJ, and Sociology Depts. All that between us could screw anyone up! :DD We're okay, though Actually, kind of off-center thinking is no surprise about artists, or so it is said.

bert cortes 21 Jul 2007

Carliss, This is one incredible pencil painting. You are the very best.

Artist Reply: Bert, now you are about to make my head swell! :DD Just kidding, but thanks very kindly for your wonderful comment! Glad you like it.

jamie winter 21 Jul 2007

ah this is beautiful Carlis. so well done. a masterpiece

Artist Reply: Hey there, Jamie! If you like it, it must be half way decent. Thank you, soooooo much!!

Joanna Jungjohann 21 Jul 2007

Carliss she is so beautiful, you have done such an awesome job of it

Artist Reply: Joanna, thank you! I'm happy you like this drawing.

Penny Myers 21 Jul 2007

Look at you drawing these beauties. As always GREAT JOB.

Artist Reply: Thanks for looking, Penny! Sometimes, it seems I get a a bug in my ear that tells me..."Do this one!"